Weird warning messages when using spectre with AMS hitkit

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. Hello all, I always get the following warnings when simulating my
    design within the Analog Environment using spectre and the AMS design
    kit (fb mode, tech file C35B4):

    [Notice from spectre in `modn', during circuit read-in.
    modn.mosinsub: `jsw' has the unusual value of 130 pA/m.
    Notice from spectre in `modnm', during circuit read-in.
    modnm.mosinsub: `jsw' has the unusual value of 130 pA/m.
    Notice from spectre in `modpm', during circuit read-in.
    modpm.mosinsub: `jsw' has the unusual value of 610 pA/m.
    Notice from spectre in `modp', during circuit read-in.
    modp.mosinsub: `jsw' has the unusual value of 610 pA/m.
    Notice from spectre in `modnh', during circuit read-in.
    modnh.mosinsub: `jsw' has the unusual value of 130 pA/m.
    Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.]

    Does anybody know why is this, what does it mean, and how to
    correct/suppress it? The simulations continue to run despite these
    messages, and the results seem to be congruent with what is expected.
    Moreover, I searched for the parameter "jsw" in the model files listed
    (modn, modnm, etc.) but IT DOES NOT APPEAR IN ANY OF THESE MODEL FILES
    (bsim3v3 models)!!! Why does spectre say that jsw takes those values,
    then? Where do these values come from?

    Regards & thanks in advance,
    spectrallypure, Jan 7, 2006
  2. spectrallypure

    fogh Guest

    I don t have the models visible right now, but it looks to me like the
    warnings come from a parasitic device meant to model latchup. That would
    explain the unusual parameter value.
    fogh, Jan 8, 2006
  3. Thanks for the reply, Fogh.

    Well, as I stated before, I am pretty sure that the model files don't
    specify this parameter -at least not explicitly. Is there any chance
    that the model files link to other specification files during
    simulation time, where this parameter is (mis)defined? You mention that
    it could be modelling parasitics... is there any simulator
    switch/parameter that I could use in order to disable the use of this
    parasitic device (which I haven't included explicitly in my design)?

    Best regards,
    spectrallypure, Jan 9, 2006
  4. You are absolutely right, Roger!
    I misinterpreted the model paths and thought the simulator was using
    those located under $AMS_DIR/spectreS/c35/cmos53/tm/ but a further
    review revealed that in fact I was using the cmos53.scs file that you
    point out. Clearly the confusion arose from my past ignorance about the
    differences between spectre and spectreS, which I didn't learn until
    very recently.

    So... the conclusion would be that the value 1.3e-10 for the "jsw"
    parameter is in fact correct for this AMS process? Why does Spectre
    complain, then?

    Thanks a lot for your help! :)
    spectrallypure, Jan 10, 2006
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