Weird numbers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gardensouras, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. gardensouras

    gardensouras Guest

    See this Lisp
    (defun inpt ()
    (command "insert" "Point" ptt "" "" "" ptname ptw )

    I am getting this routine to read a text file line by line and assign
    the viarables (ptt ptname ptw), but it is giving me random insert
    points (ptw) and its driving me NUTS

    Its the ptw, I even set up a promt commmand and it shows me that the
    ptw is getting the right numbers say 100,250 but that line above sticks
    them in at say 112,249.5. I can't see why

    Please help. If you want all the code to see for yourself I will be
    glad to send it. very wierd

    gardensouras, Jan 11, 2005
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