Weird email subject line from SolidWorks Corp

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest


    That's the Subject line of the email that just arrived from SolidWorks
    Corp touting some Webcasts later this summer. I've been noticing for a
    while that messages from them contain weird characters in the body and I
    asked them to look in on it. I suspect they're using some weird email
    composition software that puts some kind of non-standard character
    encoding in their messages. Anyone else having this kind of experience?

    Sporkman, Jul 27, 2004
  2. I got a *.scr in zip format from them yesterday so whatever virus is
    going around may have gotten to their server as well?

    Paul Salvador, Jul 27, 2004
  3. Sporkman

    David Janes Guest

    : ?UTF-8?B?RnJlZSBPbmxpbmUgU2VtaW5hcnMgZnJvbSBTb2xpZFdvcmtzIA==?=
    : That's the Subject line of the email that just arrived from SolidWorks
    : Corp touting some Webcasts later this summer. I've been noticing for a
    : while that messages from them contain weird characters in the body and I
    : asked them to look in on it.

    If you're using OE, go to View, Encoding and try setting it to UTF-8. If you don't
    see it, go to More.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 27, 2004
  4. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I wouldn't use Outlook or OE on a bet.
    I use Eudora Pro, a much better email client, and I have zero problems
    with it from other sources besides SolidWorks.
    Sporkman, Jul 27, 2004
  5. Sporkman

    David Janes Guest

    : David Janes wrote:
    : > If you're using OE, go to View, Encoding and try setting it to UTF-8. If you
    : > see it, go to More.
    : >
    : > David Janes
    : I wouldn't use Outlook or OE on a bet.
    Yes, of course, I apologize. No offense intended.

    : I use Eudora Pro, a much better email client, and I have zero problems
    Sure, absolutely, much better. But does it support UTF-8, does it recognize it
    automatically or can you set it manually to that encoding? That was my only point.
    Sorry I got you *off* the point with reference to the vile, despicable and shunned

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 27, 2004
  6. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    <GRIN> Didn't mean to pull your string, David. I do object to a lot
    that Micro$oft does, and the design of OE and Outlook happens to be a
    portion of my objections. But of course that's beside the point. I
    don't know whether UTF-8 is supported and the options don't seem to
    include it. It does de-encode everything else I receive from all other
    sources without problem, including HTML content.

    Sporkman, Jul 27, 2004
  7. Sporkman

    David Janes Guest

    : David Janes wrote:
    : >
    : > "Sporkman" wrote in message
    : > : I wouldn't use Outlook or OE on a bet.
    : > Yes, of course, I apologize. No offense intended.
    : >
    : > : I use Eudora Pro, a much better email client, and I have zero problems
    : > Sure, absolutely, much better. But does it support UTF-8, does it recognize it
    : > automatically or can you set it manually to that encoding? That was my only
    : > Sorry I got you *off* the point with reference to the vile, despicable and
    : > OE.
    : >
    : > David Janes
    : <GRIN> Didn't mean to pull your string, David. I do object to a lot
    : that Micro$oft does, and the design of OE and Outlook happens to be a
    : portion of my objections. But of course that's beside the point. I
    : don't know whether UTF-8 is supported and the options don't seem to
    : include it. It does de-encode everything else I receive from all other
    : sources without problem, including HTML content.
    Hey, no problem. I was mostly curious about Eudora, which I've has been aound
    forever but I've never heard more than chest beating about. (Maybe there's a
    'Consumer Reports' for software, this vs. that, you know, some actual evaluation
    instead of the usual pissing contest.) Anyway, if you're having the problem and
    others are not, could be the email client. That was all I was suggesting.
    David Janes, Jul 27, 2004
  8. Some virus or worm or whatever will install itself on a machine and send
    "corrupted" e-mails using the host's adress book both for _sender's name_
    and destination.

    Of course you know that an *.scr is nothing else than an *.exe.

    Jean Marc BRUN, Jul 28, 2004
  9. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Turns out, according to SolidWorks Corp marketing people, the email
    marketing software they use (Siebel) has a problem with Eudora. They've
    put in a service request for Siebel to fix it.

    Sporkman, Jul 28, 2004
  10. Sporkman

    P. Guest

    Gee, Siebel has a problem with following standards? They probably do it to
    pre-qualify customers since if you don't have Outlook you may not be able
    to run all of SW like Excel.

    I have used Eudora for years. It is much more powerful and simple to use.
    Qualcomm does a good job of supporting it, there are a number of addins
    available and it saves me a lot of work sorting emails. It is more amenable
    to user customization.

    Outlook on the other hand is a virus magnet.
    P., Jul 29, 2004
  11. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Exactly my experience and exactly why I use it rather than Outlook and
    OE. In addition I like it simply because it doesn't belong to
    Micro$oft, and I figure is that much less likely to be a security risk
    (outside of virii).

    Sporkman, Jul 29, 2004
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