Weak in the basics of Open Geometry

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Erika Layne, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Erika Layne

    Erika Layne Guest

    I have imported a picture of a small shoe buckle in the jpg format
    into an open sketch with Tools > Sketch Tools> Sketch Picture. I have
    sketched an outline over the perimeter of the buckle picture using
    circles, straight lines, and large radii via the three point arc tool,
    with the intention of extrusion. Even though I was careful to snap
    one arc to another on the red quadrant marks etc, I still have open
    geometry which prevents me from extruding the sketch. I also do not
    have smooth, blended transitions from arc to arc, due to snapping the
    end of an arc to a quadrant of a circle, rather than being able to
    snap it to "tangency".
    Now this has been a constant source of exasperation for me, obviously
    because I am weak in knowledge in this particular area. What I am
    attempting to do is to use the "Add Relation" tool to select one arc,
    CTRL select the adjoining arc, and make a tangent relationship,
    hopefully joining the two ends (closing the geometry), and creating
    blended smoothness between arcs at the same time. Well anyway I am
    getting WICKED distortion of my geometry.
    I have tried fully defining the sketch, which does indeed prevent the
    distortion, but then throws me into shark infested "OVER DEFINED"
    waters. Catch 22!
    Please tell me 1- how do I close the geometry and get a positive snap
    between lines, and 2- how do I create relationships without
    I really need to learn these principles of closing geometry because it
    is beating me up something terrible in trying to learn surfaces as
    well. I am prohibited from forming lofts, fills, etc.
    If someone could help me in this terrible weakness of mine, I would be
    most grateful.
    Erika Layne, Aug 23, 2007
  2. Try not snapping it to the quadrant as this constrains it to just that
    point. If you purposely snap it to the other curve at a location NOT
    anything specific, you should then be able to add the tangent. If this
    doesn't help, then send me your sketch so I can see what you are struggling

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2007
  3. Erika Layne

    TOP Guest

    If you are trying to capture the outline of any kind of picture a
    spline is probably going to give much better results.

    TOP, Aug 23, 2007

  4. Wayne and Paul gave you some good advice already. Another technique you
    might try is using the tangent arc instead of the three point arc on your
    second and later arcs.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 28, 2007
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