Wblock block / CopyBlockDefinition

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Christofersen, May 13, 2004.

  1. Hi good VBA people.

    I am trying to copy one blockdefinition into another with a new name.
    Does anyone know how to do this an easy way?

    How can I wblock a block?
    Michael Christofersen, May 13, 2004
  2. You can't do this directly in the current document,
    because it requires you to copy the AcadBlock object,
    which will not work because of the name collision.

    To copy a block, follow these steps:

    1. Create an ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument object.

    2. Use CopyObjects to copy the AcadBlock to
    the AxDbDocument's Blocks collection.

    3. Rename the copy of the AcadBlock in the
    AxDbDocument to a new name that does not
    exist in the original document.

    4. Using CopyObjects, copy the renamed AcadBlock
    object from the AxDbDocument, back to the
    original drawing's Blocks collection.

    5. Discard the AxDbDocument.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 13, 2004
  3. Untested:

    Public Function CloneBlock(ABlock As AcadBlock, NewName As String) As AcadBlock
    Dim DbxDoc As New AXDB15Lib.AxDbDocument
    Dim Objects(0 To 0) As AcadObject
    Dim Clone As AXDB15Lib.AcadBlock
    Set Objects(0) = ABlock
    Dim SrcBlocks As ABlock.Document.Blocks
    ABlock.Document.CopyObjects Objects, DbxDoc.Blocks
    Set Clone = DbxDoc.Blocks(ABlock.Name)
    Clone.Name = NewName
    Set Objects(0) = Clone
    DbxDoc.CopyObjects Objects, SrcBlocks
    Set CloneBlock = SrcBlocks(NewName)
    End Function
    Tony Tanzillo, May 13, 2004
  4. Michael Christofersen

    Mark Propst Guest

    Hi Tony,
    Of course I had no doubt you were correct, but by reading the Help I didn't
    understand why I couldn't do this in the same drawing...obviously it doesn't
    work, I just don't understand why not, again, just by reading the help file
    the idea was just create new empty block def with different name and
    populate with objects from existing block
    don't understand why it no workie (but not surprised)

    'Mark's failed attempt
    Sub TestClone()
    Dim oDoc As AcadDocument
    Set oDoc = ThisDrawing
    Dim oSBlock As AcadBlock
    Dim oTblock As AcadBlock
    Dim sTestBlock As String
    sTestBlock = "Test"
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oSBlock = oDoc.Blocks.Item(sTestBlock)
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "Test block does not exist"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Set oTblock = BlockCloneYeahRight(oDoc, oSBlock)

    Debug.Print "Got " & oTblock.Name

    Debug.Print "Returned oTblock contains: " & oTblock.Count & " items - thus:
    For i = 0 To oTblock.Count - 1
    Debug.Print oTblock.Item(i).ObjectName
    Next i
    Debug.Print "Done test"
    End Sub

    Public Function CloneBlockYeahRight(oDoc As AcadDocument, oSourceBlock As
    AcadBlock) As AcadBlock
    Dim vArray As Variant
    Dim sSourceName As String
    Dim sTargetName As String
    Dim oTargetBlock As AcadBlock
    sSourceName = oSourceBlock.Name
    sTargetName = sSourceName & "-Clone"
    Dim vpt As Variant
    vpt = oSourceBlock.Origin
    ' Dim insPt(0 To 2) As Double
    ' insPt(0) = 0
    ' insPt(1) = 0
    ' insPt(2) = 0
    ' vpt = insPt

    'create new block to avoid name collision
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oTargetBlock = oDoc.Blocks.Add(vpt, sTargetName)
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "New name already exists"
    Exit Function
    End If

    Dim lNumItems As Long
    lNumItems = oSourceBlock.Count - 1

    Dim aTemp()
    ReDim aTemp(0 To lNumItems)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(aTemp) To UBound(aTemp)
    Debug.Print oSourceBlock.Item(i).ObjectName
    Set aTemp(i) = oSourceBlock.Item(i)
    Next i

    Debug.Print "aTemp has " & UBound(aTemp) + 1 & " items"

    'this didn't work either
    'vArray = aTemp
    'Debug.Print "Varray has " & UBound(vArray) + 1 & " items"
    'oDoc.CopyObjects vArray, oTargetBlock

    Dim vResult As Variant
    oDoc.CopyObjects aTemp, oTargetBlock, vResult

    Debug.Print "Results: "
    For i = LBound(vResult) To UBound(vResult)
    Debug.Print vResult(i)
    Next i

    Debug.Print "Target block contains: " & oTargetBlock.Count & " items -
    thus: "
    For i = 0 To oTargetBlock.Count - 1
    Debug.Print oTargetBlock.Item(i).ObjectName
    Next i

    Set CloneBlockYeahRight = oTargetBlock

    End Function

    results in immediate window
    aTemp has 7 items
    Target block contains: 0 items - thus:
    Got test-Clone
    Returned oTblock contains: 0 items - thus:
    Done test

    Mark Propst, May 13, 2004
  5. Mark - Copying a block, and copying the entities in a block
    are not the same thing. The block itself has properties (such
    as an icon, description, design center data, and so on) and
    that information is not copied when you create a new block,
    and populate it with copies of the entities in the original
    block. Of course, this may not be an issue, but I don't want
    to make that assumption for anyone without knowledge of the
    specifics of each case.

    It's just another facet of my ongoing rant about avoiding
    'back-door' techniques like duplicating objects using entmake
    or other object creation methods, rather then true 'copying'
    or 'deep-cloning' methods (a.k.a., CopyObjects).
    Tony Tanzillo, May 13, 2004
  6. Michael Christofersen

    Mark Propst Guest

    Ok, I hadn't thought of those other properties, since I don't use design
    center or descriptions. Good point.

    but just for the sake of my ongoing education (at yours and others expense -
    thanks to all) ... and in the event of not wanting to keep those
    properties...for whatever reason...,
    and just wanting a "duplicate" block with a new name in the same dwg,
    is there something wrong with the way I'm trying to use copy objects in that

    I don't see what I'm doing wrong per the help files.
    Am I misusing the code or is it simply not possible to duplicate entities in
    the same dwg?

    an example of where I might want to use something like this is if i have
    several items that only vary by a few certain elements but otherwise are
    very similar and would be blocks with very similar names such that a simple
    string substitution could generate variations on the name, and changing
    whatever items were different would provide the variations for the block

    the one thing that might be a problem, and which I didn't realize was the
    icon...if I succeeded in making a new block this way, then when the insert
    dialog was called up, you're saying there would be no icon displayed? That
    would be weird.

    anyway, just a theoretical attempt to see what I was doing wrong - other
    than what you've already pointed out,

    Thanks again,
    Mark Propst, May 13, 2004
  7. Mark - It depends on what your intention is. If you simply
    want to create a block whose contents are identical or copies
    of another block, then that's just fine. But, copying a block
    and copying its contents are two different things. If I copy
    a block across drawing files, then everything goes along for
    the ride (e.g., the block's properties).

    So, to be consistent with copying across databases, you would
    use the method I outlined. If you don't care about things like
    the block icon, description, and any application data that's
    associated with the block (which you may not be aware of), then
    by all means, just copy the contents only.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 13, 2004
  8. Michael Christofersen

    Mark Propst Guest

    My intention is to learn what I do not at the present know.

    The only reason I asked again was that the code example I posted *did not
    work at all* - zip - nada - zilch - that was my only curiousity....
    in other words, not only did it not preserve the properties that your code
    would have, it did not fill the new block with entities at all --- that was
    the only thing I was asking about.

    But since it's the wrong way to approach the given problem in the first
    place, there's no value in getting an answer to it either..
    I've already wasted enough of both of our time on this curiousity! :)

    Thanks again
    Mark Propst, May 14, 2004
  9. Mark - I didn't look at your code until just now, and
    I didn't try it.

    But, I'll offer this bit of advice. The first thing
    you should consider doing is getting out of the habit
    of using 'On Error Resume Next', because that is like
    saying, 'I don't care what goes wrong, I just want it
    to work' :)

    If something's amiss, On Error Resume Next is going to
    hide it.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 14, 2004
  10. Michael Christofersen

    Mark Propst Guest

    Some how I got the impression from my readings etc that I was supposed to
    use the *ra* out of it!
    try everything, trap the error, read the msg ...etc

    This is like a whole new outlook on life!
    Mark Propst, May 14, 2004
  11. Michael Christofersen

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Now you got to go back and add error handlers to all your routines. ;-(

    I got some code from vbdesign, that I modified and put into a module which adds them for you. Just click in a procedure and run the macro. Most people use a msgbox in their error handlers. I like to change its caption to show the procedure that raised the error.

    Some how I got the impression from my readings etc that I was supposed to
    use the *ra* out of it!
    try everything, trap the error, read the msg ...etc

    This is like a whole new outlook on life!
    Ed Jobe, May 14, 2004
  12. Michael Christofersen

    Mark Propst Guest

    Thanks Ed,
    I had to laugh cause almost on top of my pile of 'code stuff to get to as soon as i can catch my breath' is my copy of that same article from vbdesign - i've had it for a couple years laying around, reading from time to time but haven't actually run it yet, my plan is actually to rewrite slightly just to process my directory of files with the vbe and put it in all subs, a generic form that is, rather than doing it one at a time like the sample.
    but i havent' got to that either yet :)

    so now i see the little tweak in my thinking is rather than using vbe to replace "On Error" with " 'On Error"
    I need to use it to replace "Resume Next" with "GoTo ErrHand"

    Thanks to both of you for the knock on the door...helloooo is anyone home???


    Now you got to go back and add error handlers to all your routines. ;-(
    Mark Propst, May 14, 2004
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