Way to extract custom properties out of a SW file via VBA?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Marcel Büchi, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Hi

    Is there a way to extract the custom porperties out of a SW file using VBA?
    Similar to what the Explorer can do when right-clicking a SW file, 3rd tab.

    Thank you
    Marcel Büchi
    Marcel Büchi, Jun 14, 2005
  2. Marcel Büchi

    TOP Guest

    Download SWIT and see for yourself.

    I believe this is also documented in the API help and on the SW API
    support pages.
    TOP, Jun 14, 2005
  3. I was looking for a way to get the custom properties without having to use
    I can extract properties from files when loaded into SW by using MS Access
    and and VBA to store the information in a table.
    But that's not what I want.
    I'd like to process somewheres around 20000 SW files and saving the custom
    props in an Access table.
    Similar to the VBA Function GetAttr(Path of file)

    I'd be nice to have a function like: GetCustomProperties(Path of file)

    Marcel Büchi, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Marcel Büchi

    That70sTick Guest

    There is an object called "DSOfile" (see Microsoft's website) that can
    be added to VB projects. This object will enable you to access custom
    properties without opening files in SW.
    That70sTick, Jun 14, 2005
  5. Marcel Büchi

    GreenHex Guest

    DSOFILE... (google that one!)

    That would enable one to quickly view/ extract Document
    Custom Properties without opening the SW document in
    SolidWorks, but not Configuration Specific Custom
    Properties which is the one that is very much in


    Vinodh Kumar M.
    GreenHex, Jun 14, 2005
  6. Marcel Büchi

    TOP Guest

    The problem is that there are configuration specific and document
    custom properties. The former requires SW and the later can be done
    without opening SW. There have been detailed discussions on this group
    regarding this subject. You might do a search.
    TOP, Jun 14, 2005
  7. Thanks to all
    Dsofile worked perfect. I got now an Access table with the drawing numbers
    and for each the custom properties!
    Marcel Büchi, Jun 14, 2005
  8. I think that everything you need you can get from Solidsentry.
    agnaldo.neves, Jun 15, 2005
  9. Marcel Büchi

    SW Monkey Guest

    I downloaded SWIT, and couldnt figure out why it wont show my existing
    custom propertys. I put my custom properties in the "Custom" tab, not
    the "Configuration Specific" tab. We dont use configurations very much
    here, if any, but are their any advantages to using the "Configuration
    Specific" tab just for the Default config?

    Is there a way to get SWIT to look at the Custom Tab?
    SW Monkey, Jun 15, 2005
  10. No, it's using only conf.specific stuff. Custom tab is for losers that
    don't know how to use configurations ;-)
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 15, 2005
  11. Marcel Büchi

    SW Monkey Guest

    Markku, wtf? hehe

    Im sure our company can use configurations on some of our parts, but
    the majority would never need them.

    Is there a way to get SWIT to look at that other tab?
    SW Monkey, Jun 15, 2005
  12. Hi ProxiCAD
    Is this nifty tool available in German language?
    Marcel Büchi, Jun 16, 2005
  13. You can still save the information by using configuration specific
    data...at the end there is no difference; you create drawing and BOM, data
    is read from the model...There is always that "Default" configuration you

    I think it's better to handle it this way because you don't usually know
    if there is going to be configs or not in the future...and if that happens
    you don't have to play with the properties (move them from custom side to
    config side...)

    I don't have any plans for that...there is a free tool for that already
    (it's not using configurations at all thought). There are also tools to
    move the props from custom side to config side I guess.

    But...I understood that your problem is existing models, so I feel your
    pain. Maybe SWit 3 will have this option (if there ever will be next
    Markku Lehtola, Jun 16, 2005
  14. Marcel Büchi

    CS Guest

    All you have to do is pass an empty string to
    ModelDoc2.GetCustomProperty("","Property Name) this will get non
    config specific properties. Or you can use the DSOLE file .exe as
    mentioned above it can only get non config specific properties.

    CS, Jun 16, 2005
  15. Marcel Büchi

    SW Monkey Guest

    Markku, what free tool is that?

    "I don't have any plans for that...there is a free tool for that
    (it's not using configurations at all thought). "
    SW Monkey, Jun 16, 2005
  16. Markku Lehtola, Jun 16, 2005
  17. Marcel Büchi

    GreenHex Guest

    If you *are* in the mood for trying out different CP editors,
    you could try the free "swCP3" or maybe "swProp2"
    available at www.swCP3.com.

    With regards,

    Vinodh Kumar M.
    GreenHex, Jun 17, 2005
  18. Marcel Büchi

    TOP Guest

    Pretty cool. I played with it a bit today. This thing seems to have
    some depth to it.
    TOP, Jun 18, 2005
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