Way OT - political signs

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. One of those random musings on the way into work this morning, so I thought
    I would ask my wide range of friends here what they thought.

    Question - has anyone ever changed their intended vote as a result of seeing
    yard signs or bumper stickers?

    My thought is that both of them are a waste of time & money as most people
    have already made up their mind, and if not, they probably aren't going to
    be swayed just by seeing someone's sign. Those that can be influenced by
    the facts aren't going to believe political advertising, and those that
    don't care about the facts aren't going to change no matter what they see or


    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Brian Guest

    Unfortunately, too large a percentage of people don't research the
    candidates prior to going to vote. Or, if they do, they are only concerned
    with one or two offices. I read somewhere that name recognition can account
    for 20%+ of total votes.

    IE a person goes to the poll because they wish to vote for their
    candidate in the congressional race, but "recognize" the name on the ballot
    for school board, sherrif, state representative, ect... and also vote for
    them based solely on the name recognition factor. Hence the forest of yard
    signs, bumper stickers, ect. I also doubt that many people will actually
    change their vote based on one of the above. But for the weak minded.......
    Brian, Sep 8, 2006
  3. Hmmm, hadn't thought of that angle...


    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest

    They can be used to intimidate an opponent's voters into not turning
    out. In our town the Democrats put up tons of signs even before it is
    legal to do so for this purpose. If there are 5 democrats on a street
    with 15 voters there will be 5 signs up even though the street might be
    Republican. And this area voted Bush and a Republican congressman in
    the last election.
    TOP, Sep 8, 2006
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    ed1701 Guest

    Wayne, thanks for calling this OT - it surely is. I appreciate that,
    and respond because of that.

    To other peoples points, name recognition and repitition might
    influence votes ... I know when I've seen a candidates name repeated in
    signs it made me at least look into the person .

    My current governor and senator were unknown to me before I saw signs
    for thier campaigns, when, as a an observer, I thought that candidates
    with the name 'blagojevich' and 'barack obama' were simply doomed based
    on their names.
    How wrong I was (and what a credit to the open mindedness of folks from
    Illinois. Hooray for Ilinois!)

    .... and in the case of Obama, we in Illinois might have elected what we
    all really hope for - the real deal that we all (republican, democrat,
    etc) really want. In the years since the election, this guy continues
    to impress me. How he got past having a name similar to' public enemy
    number one', I do not know _I think the voters are smarter than common
    wisdom (and I, when it comes down to it) give them credit for

    Back to the topic of signs... one value of signs is that you can see
    who your neighbor is for. If you are impressed by your neighbor, you
    will at least look into their choice (as shown on their lawn). This is

    The second benefit of signs is that it gives you a sense of what a
    neighborhood is about.

    I lived in Wheaton, Illinois, at the time of the last presidential
    election in the US.

    For perspective, it was maybe 2004 that Wheaton College finally removed
    the restriction on dancing from their undergrads. That is Wheaton,

    There were a lot ( a lot!) of Bush signs in Wheaton, and very (very)
    few Kerry signs. When Keyes decided to run for the senate after the
    republican nominee Ryan's campaign for the senate blew up in a haze of
    sex clubs, etc, there were Keyes signs in yards a few days later though
    Keyes is likeley ceritifiably insane (my interpretation - I do not have
    a degree in psychology -and to be fair, he seems prettty smart and
    could go somewhere with his life if he could just get past that
    insanity thing).

    Someone rolling through Wheaton, Ilinois might get a sense of the
    community mood by those signs in the yards.

    If you pass through Wheaton and LIKE Wheaton and all it stand for ,
    then darn it, you might just be influenced by seeing Bush and Keyes
    signs in yards and say 'those are the guys that I ought to look into'.
    And that is a valid way to look at your vote - "I like the people who
    like these candidates, so I just might vote for them."

    That is the value of signs, as I see it.

    And now that I've worked it out, I feel guilty about not posting my
    own signs.

    ed1701, Sep 9, 2006
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest

    You can also be creative and make your own. When a local politician
    pushed the wheel tax through, I painted a sign on the side of an old
    tractor tire (5ft diameter) and put it out front. It said, "Cindy Tax
    TOP, Sep 9, 2006
  7. Wayne Tiffany

    ken Guest

    I'm curious Top. What is a "wheel tax"?

    ken, Sep 9, 2006
  8. Wayne Tiffany

    ed1701 Guest

    Me too. Sounds like a relic from before the bronze age.
    Ooog has wheel. Me do not. Ooog must pay for being ostentatious.
    ed1701, Sep 9, 2006
  9. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest

    Now Ed E. should know what a wheel tax is although by another name. It
    is a local tax paid at the time you renew your registration and
    purportedly earmarked for road repairs and construction. In Chicagoland
    it is known as a City Sticker. The City Sticker in Chicago is, I
    believe, still collected separately from license registration with the
    state. In this state it is collected along with the fees for the plate
    by the BMV and returned eventually to the locality from which it was
    TOP, Sep 10, 2006
  10. Wayne Tiffany

    ed1701 Guest

    Thanks for the explanation of the wheel tax. I was, frankly, hoping
    for something more primeival.
    There are many towns in my area that have city stickers for cars
    (PITA), and I have lived in some of them. However, I never got to the
    point of making a gaint wheel, putting it in my yard, and declaring
    'tax-this. I admire that.

    I have the good fortune of being delightfully unencumberd by
    city-rules. Last year I moved to a tiny, tiny, tiny, unincorporated
    town surrounded by the 2nd and 4th largest cities in Illinois - to get
    a sense of the size of where Ilive, I am 0.8% of the entire population.
    People who drive by it every day or even live in the area don't know
    it exists.

    The 'mayor' of Eola is officially designated as the person with the
    most beer in their garage (true fact) I will never be mayor because I
    keep my beer in my fridge.

    But I am the only one with a trebuchet, so I guess I am Eola's miltary.
    And if Aurora tries to incorporate us, I am prepared to kick their

    -Ed 'fighting for freedom since 2005' Eaton
    ed1701, Sep 10, 2006
  11. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest

    There is a place like that over near Glenview as well.

    ..8 percent, hmmm. 125 people. Pretty substantial town by Western
    standards, or an apartment complex or one floor of Cabrini Green by
    Chicago standards.
    TOP, Sep 11, 2006
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