Wavescan: freezing graph problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svetozar Broussev, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. Hello,

    I'm new in using Wavescan, so this is probably very trivial question, but my
    graph updates every time when a simulation finishes. According to the user
    guide, when the 'freezing on' button is selected, the graph should remain
    unchanged, and the new result can be updated with 'Reload'. Somehow this
    doesn't work for me, after the simulation is completed, the outputs are
    evaluated, and all the sub-plots are disappearing except the first one,
    which of course is very annoying.

    I hope there is easy solution for this.

    Thanks in advance.

    (Wavescan version is, if that's important)
    Svetozar Broussev, Nov 15, 2006
  2. Svetozar Broussev

    linkin Guest

    An alternative you might want to try:

    If you are using Analog Design Environment (ADE) for simulation, try
    selecting "New Window" instead of "Replace" using the mini-menu near
    the lower-right-hand corner of the ADE window. Then when you rerun the
    sim, it should plot the new results in a new window and leave the old
    results in the old plot window.
    linkin, Nov 15, 2006
  3. Thanks a lot!

    The proposed solution works, but you need to have at least one plot defined
    as a output. If all the outputs give numerical data, then ADE does not open
    a new window, and destroys the main one.

    Still, one can always define dummy plot:). Probably there is smarter
    solution, but this one works too.
    Svetozar Broussev, Nov 16, 2006
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