wavescan colour problem - opposite colours on graphs to nodes onschematics

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by johnhimsworth, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. I'm getting an odd problem when plotting analog simulation results in
    wavescan. When plotting several signals, the waveforms all have a
    different colour, but the colours are in the opposite order to the
    colouring of the nodes on the schematic. Both use the same set of
    colours, but it appears to be cycling through them in the wrong order
    (ie orange node -> white graph, white node -> orange graph). It's not
    really a massive problem but it gets a bit confusing with lots of
    signals, especially when plotting numbered nodes rather than named

    The signals are listed at the top of the plot with the signal selected
    first at the end of the list, so I'm wondering if the colours are
    being applied in the same order, but the data is being plotted in the
    reverse order. This applies to direct plot and automatic plotting, and
    to any analysis type.

    I've only just started using wavescan, so I don't really know where to
    look to work out what's going on. Any suggestions?
    johnhimsworth, Apr 24, 2009
  2. What subversion of DFII are you using? (Help->About... in the CIW will tell you)


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 24, 2009
  3. This is on IC6.1.3.1. Sorry, slightly daft omission there.
    johnhimsworth, Apr 24, 2009
  4. johnhimsworth

    Marc Heise Guest

    That was fixed in IC6.1.3.500.3 and for the few
    people which are still on cdb. ;)

    Marc Heise, Apr 24, 2009
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