Watermark on e drawingsheet

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fred, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest


    I am looking a way to put a watermark on an drawing. Not via a PDF file but
    directly on the
    drawing. I tryed to insert a BMP (set to back) into the drawing but only the
    dimension are on the front, the
    drwaing himzelf still at the back and the BMP "run" above it so that I can't
    see some lines of the drawing.

    Can somebody help me ?

    Fred, Dec 7, 2004
  2. Not sure it will help, but your printer driver might be able to do it (ours


    Jean Marc BRUN, Dec 7, 2004
  3. Fred

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I had a similar problem. I needed to put "DRAFT" on my drawings as a water
    mark. What I did was to create a new "part" that was simply a 2-D sketch of
    the word "DRAFT". I then inserted a view of the part into the drawing. If
    you need to put an image into your drawing, I don't know what to do.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 7, 2004
  4. Fred

    Steve Tietz Guest

    you might try to put the image on the sheet format (titleblock) that way
    the image will always be behind everything on the sheet. Test it & let us
    know if that works... If it does I would recommend creating separate
    drawing temples for each size called DraftA, DraftB, ectt... that way all
    you have to do is replace one template with another when you want to show a
    drawing as draft or not...

    Hope this helps
    Steve tietz
    Steve Tietz, Dec 7, 2004
  5. Fred

    Rocko Guest

    It can be done and SW2005 does it automatically for :
    1) "If you print a lightweight drawing when it is out of synchronization
    with its model, the drawing prints with a watermark:"

    SolidWorks Lightweight drawing - Out-of-Date Print


    When a Detached drawing is out of sync with its model, it prints with a
    watermark that states:

    SolidWorks Detached drawing - Out-of-Sync Print
    Rocko, Dec 7, 2004
  6. Fred

    Damian Guest

    I have made a sheet format with a water mark on it. All you have to do is
    edit the sheet format and put a new layer on it called "Water Mark" then
    place the text all over the drawing in a very light grey in the watermark
    layer then save the sheet format. When you don't want the water mark to show
    just turn off the layer and the water mark will not show.
    Damian, Dec 7, 2004
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