Watermark in drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Jones, Apr 11, 2004.

  1. Andrew Jones

    Andrew Jones Guest

    I have a question on something I thought was going to be easy, but have
    since found near impossible. I need to put a 'watermark' on my drawings. I
    have tried using notes but am unable to change the text colour (without
    changing the rest of the text) and pasting text from Word. I am trying to
    put it into the sheet format. Can anyone help?
    Andrew Jones, Apr 11, 2004
  2. Andrew Jones

    Merry Owen Guest

    You can select the text and change it's colour OK - I have been doing it for
    years - check out the help. Alternatively, you can put the watermark on
    it's own layer and assign a colour for it (this way you can turn it on and
    off). You could also make it a block so it is quick to insert into a

    Another way is to get your printer to add the watermark (many of the new
    printers have this as a printing option).

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Apr 11, 2004
  3. Andrew Jones

    Mike Guest

    print a watermark with another program first. Then send the sheet through s
    second time for the drawing.....
    Mike, Apr 13, 2004
  4. Andrew Jones

    Pete Yodis Guest


    The best solution I could think of would be to add the watermark to
    your sheet format as you had alluded to originally. You can easily
    create the watermark in another program and then save the image as
    something like a bmp or jpeg. Next, go to your sheet format and
    choose Insert...Object...from File... and then pick the image file
    that you created. Then resize accordingly in SolidWorks. Save the
    sheet format. You should have the image now on your custom sheet
    format. You can eaily reload the sheet format on any older drawings
    that were started with your new sheet format. I have put logos on
    several of my sheet formats using a bitmap image inserted on the sheet
    format. It has worked well for me, and is something the SolidWorks
    has advertised in the past and shown in some training manuals that I
    have seen. One of David and Marie Planchard's books on learning
    SolidWorks has a good example on this. This capability has been in
    the software for quite some time now. I'm kind of shocked that more
    people don't know about it.
    Pete Yodis, Apr 14, 2004
  5. Andrew Jones

    mplanchard Guest


    I start with empty drawing template. Layers are stored in the Drawing
    1. Create a new layer named "Watermark" on an empty Drawing Template.
    Save the empty Drawing Template. Example: Template-A-Empty.

    2. Insert your existing Sheet Format with no watermark. Select the
    Watermark Layer to be your current layer. Right-click Edit Sheet

    3. Select Insert, Object. Browse and select your watermark picture

    4. Utilize the drag handles to size your picture.

    5. Right-click Edit Sheet. Change your layer back to your default.
    Do not save with the Watermark layer selected for all you dimensions
    will be inserted onto this layer.

    6. Important - Save both the Sheet Format and the Drawing Template.
    Save the Sheet Format with the File, Save Sheet Format option.
    Example: Enter Sheet-Format-A-Watermark.
    7. Save the Drawing Template with File, Save As. Select Templates
    from the Files of type list. Example: Enter

    8. Now you can use the same empty Drawing Template for other sizes.
    Open the empty drawing template with no sheet format. Right-click
    Properties and change the paper size to B. The Layers and other
    Document Property setting will be save. Save this template as

    9. Repeat for the B size Sheet Format.

    Regards, Marie
    mplanchard, Apr 14, 2004
  6. Andrew Jones

    Andrew Jones Guest

    Thanks all for your replies.
    I have had luck changing the note colour so it comes out almost transparent,
    but it is still printing over the top of drawing views. I have the same
    problem when
    I insert bitmaps and jpegs. Does anyone know how to order these items to the
    I am also not keen on seeing the black outline around the inserted file. I
    am at a disadvantage
    because I can only use SolidWorks at work, and don't get a chance
    to experiment as much as I like!
    Andrew Jones, Apr 17, 2004
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