Water Jet drawing format

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by birtch, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. birtch

    birtch Guest

    I have to send a drawing to a water jet place for them to cut some pieces
    for us, but I have no idea what program he is using, or what information he
    need from me. Does anyone have any one know anything about this, as they are
    not being helpful.

    birtch, Sep 3, 2003
  2. birtch

    JP Guest

    As they are not helpful on giving information about what program they use or
    what data they need, how would there product look like?
    Would they give support on it?
    I guess you better look for another company since data exchange is one of
    the key factors these days, if its stuck there the rest may also be not as

    JP, Sep 3, 2003
  3. birtch

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    Usually a dxf file is all they need. Make sure the drawing is accurate,
    purge all unused layers, dimensions, blocks, etc. Then dxfout.

    We usually remove all dimensions (not necessary for producing the blank if
    the blank is drawn accurately) and just send a bare dxf using one layer.
    B. W. Salt., Sep 3, 2003
  4. birtch

    birtch Guest


    It wasn't so much as they weren't being helpful, as I had a hard time
    getting them on the phone, and as it turns out they don't want SPLINES
    either, they told me to convert them to Polylines

    thanks again guys
    birtch, Sep 4, 2003
  5. birtch

    Carl Olsen Guest

    Here is an "Engineer's Guide to Designing Waterjet Parts":


    There you will find information tips for sending files, as well as
    tips on design changes you can make so that the parts come out faster,
    cheaper, higher tolerance, etc.

    The same web site also has job-shop listings where you can get work
    done, and a lot of other waterjet related information.

    If Slines are giving you trouble, then you may also want to check out
    some of the conversion utilities from Kandu Software
    (http://www.kandusoftware.com), though I would first follow the advice
    on my web site regarding transfering files.

    - Carl
    Waterjet Web Reference
    Carl Olsen, Sep 4, 2003
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