Wanted: CAD Blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cb, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. cb

    cb Guest

    Hey all

    I was wondering where I could find an already done up CAD block of an
    interior stairway. I need to be able to modify it to meet the local
    specs. I just didn't want to have to spend a bunch of time making one
    if there was already one done for me!

    I thought I seen on this group sometime ago that someone was putting
    together a site that had blocks to "Share" If not, it's not a bad
    idea. Anyway, Thanks in Advance!!

    CB ~
    cb, Sep 30, 2003
  2. First, there's lots of sites with CAD blocks. Do a Google search for a
    bunch of sites. Also, there are free CDs you can get full of blocks (Thomas
    Registrar puts out some, free for the asking).

    That being said, I think you'd be better off just drawing the stairs
    yourself. Any stair block you find most likely would require as much
    modification time as it would take to just draw it. Your floor to floor
    height will be different than the block, minimum tread size varies (i.e. 9"
    or 10" residential, 11" commercial), maximum riser height varies (7"
    commercial, 7-3/4" or 8" residential), different railing types and
    construction, stair shape (i.e. straight, L, U, circular etc), stair
    construction (i.e. all wood, steal stringer with wood treads, steel pan,


    Michael \(LS\), Oct 1, 2003
  3. Wood, stone, concrete, or steel? Open or closed stringers? Open or closed
    Spiral, curved, L, scissor, switchback, or straight? Magic or regular?
    You sound like a very efficient person.
    I agree, but I don't have the time to do it if someone else will do it for
    Where can we find *your* blocks? Post the URL.
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 1, 2003
  4. cb

    Macleod Guest

    : Hey all
    : I was wondering where I could find an already done up CAD block of an
    : interior stairway. I need to be able to modify it to meet the local
    : specs. I just didn't want to have to spend a bunch of time making one
    : if there was already one done for me!
    : I thought I seen on this group sometime ago that someone was putting
    : together a site that had blocks to "Share" If not, it's not a bad
    : idea. Anyway, Thanks in Advance!!
    : CB ~

    Actually He sounds like just another lazy architect who is too lazy to draw.

    (Born in the Highlands of Scotland 400 years ago)
    There Can Be Only One.
    Macleod, Oct 4, 2003
  5. Good Morning All,
    Lazy or not, I thought that was the whole idea of blocks, so you did not
    have to keep drawing the same thing over and over again.
    I have a few that I dont mind sharing.
    Isnt there a proberb that goes along the line of " many hands make lite

    Dennis Behrend, Oct 7, 2003
  6. cb

    Cadalot Guest

    And too may cooks spoil the broth. <Grin>

    Get the CD-Rom from Rugby Joinery or JELDWIN they have Stairs

    I have these on my collection CD see http://www.cadalot.co.uk

    Alan (Cadalot)
    Cadalot, Oct 7, 2003
  7. Why not take the same approach for everything? A building's a
    I've heard that one. How/whom are you helping? Here's another saying:

    Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 7, 2003
  8. cb

    cb Guest

    Feel The Love!!! Boy am I glad to see that there are still good
    people out there willing to help out. Thank You!!!

    CB ~
    cb, Oct 9, 2003
  9. Tell your friends!
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 9, 2003
  10. cb

    cadbot Guest

    cadbot, Jan 15, 2005
  11. cb

    Martin Guest

    Martin, Jan 16, 2005
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