VXL - show incomplete nets - leaves a traceback!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Manju Arasaiah, May 11, 2004.

  1. I am sure people may have seen this:

    VXL connectivity->show incomplete nets
    highlights the nets and gives flightlines.
    When you move the highlighted instance, I don't
    get the flightlines moving along with the instance.
    Instead I get a trace back in the old location of the moved-layout-instance.

    I have to do show-incomplete nets - clear and then show again to
    remove this tracebacks.

    Is there a reason for this? and anyone knows a workaround?

    thanks, Manju
    Manju Arasaiah, May 11, 2004
  2. Manju Arasaiah

    Partha Guest

    Which icfb version are you using? This was a bug in previous 446
    versions fixed on from IC and beyond. Please scheck
    sourcelink on more info

    Partha, May 12, 2004
  3. Partha,

    I am using 5.0.32 Solaris.

    What is the keyword I can use to search in sourcelink?

    I am seeing this behavior intermittently - not all the times.
    But it is still there and gets triggered sometimes.

    Manju Arasaiah, May 12, 2004
  4. Manju Arasaiah

    Partha Guest

    "XL incomplete net"

    Partha, May 13, 2004
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