VXL: Setting Contact xBias/yBias

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Edward Dodge, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. Edward Dodge

    Edward Dodge Guest

    I've done some research, and I know I can use "envSetVal" to set
    "contactJustify" to "centerCenter" for all contact-types, but is there
    also a quick and easy way to make xBias=center/yBias=center for all
    contact-types? I would prefer not to have to have to do this by hand
    in the place-contact form, or to have to specify each contact-type in
    a technology-file-style manner.

    Edward Dodge

    (_)/ (_) --- ---
    Edward Dodge, Mar 30, 2006
  2. This is done in the
    'symContactDevice' subclass with in the 'device' class
    for standard contacts types or in the
    'tcCreateDeviceClass' subclass with in the 'device' class
    for custom contact types, in your technology file.

    Bernd Fischer, Mar 31, 2006
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