VXL/Schematic Editor Annoyance: Losing Select Box

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Edward, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Edward

    Edward Guest

    Normally left-click-drag activates geSingleSelectBox(). But recently
    I've been having to hold down the shift key while left-click-dragging
    to activate geSingleSelectBox(). I've watched the CDS.log and left-
    click-drag on old sessions does not even sending the
    geSingleSelectbox() command.

    With fresh sessions, left-click-dragging works normally. But with
    older sessions, I soon end up having to use the shift key. Is there
    a setting somewhere that I may have tripped up? Does anyone know
    where I would go to flip the setting back? Perhaps someone has a
    bindkey that explicitly tells Virtuoso/Schematic Editor to make a
    select box with left-click drag?

    I'm scratching my head on this one. Any help would be appreciated.
    Edward, Jun 21, 2007
  2. I assume you're not within an enter-function? Is the bindkey changing (try
    dumping the bindkeys from the CIW menu to see if they're being changed, perhaps
    by some custom code?)


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 28, 2007
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