VXL lxMovePorts

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tracy Groller, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. John G. or Andrew B.,

    I am looking at the cdsdocs and have come across
    a VXL skill command as follows but does not work in
    cadence ? has this command been renamed ?



    => |t | nil | |


    Moves top-level ports over components based on their connectivity.



    The database ID of the cellview whose ports you want to move.

    Value Returned


    The ports were moved.


    The ports were not moved or the specified cellview was not found.
    Tracy Groller, Jun 2, 2006
  2. Tracy,

    It was added in IC5141 USR2, and it's there when I try to call it
    in USR2, USR3 and recent ISRs.

    Are you using too old a version?

    By "work" do you mean that it says that the function is undefined, or do
    you mean it doesn't do what it is advertised as doing? I didn't try it in a real
    application (it's related to the placer, I think).

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 7, 2006
  3. Andrew,

    I was using a version before the IC5141,
    it's their now thanks for the input.



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    | | ======oOOo==(_)==oOOo=======================================
    | |__<*> ___ Tracy Groller | Texas Instruments, Inc.
    | _|III|_ | ------------------| Wireless RFCMOS Design
    _____| /_ III _/ \ TI MSGID: TAG2 | P.O. Box 660199, MS 8729
    \_ /III/ | PC Drop: PFLL | Dallas, Texas 75266
    \ _ /III/ _| -------------------------------------------------
    \_/ \ \___> - Phone: (214) 480-2217 Text Pager
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    Tracy Groller, Jun 7, 2006
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