VXL change layer for adding paths and rectangles

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by TimRoy1, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. TimRoy1

    TimRoy1 Guest


    In VXL the option to stop VXL from asking you which layer to add a path
    to when starting on a pin which has underlying pins can be shut off on
    the add path menu. Is there a way to stop it for the add rectangle
    command? It is not on the add rect menu.

    The prompting for rectangles is new, can't remember if it was added in
    5033 or 5141.

    Thanks in Advance,
    TimRoy1, Feb 9, 2006
  2. For paths you can set the following:

    envSetVal("layoutXL" "pathSwitchLayer" 'boolean nil)

    For Create--Rectangle or Create--Polygon command a new cdsenv setting was
    added in IC5141USR2 called shapeSwitchLayer.

    With the shapeSwitchLayer option set to t, if you click on overlapping shapes
    you will see a pop up asking which layer to use. If shapeSwitchLayer is
    set to nil, the pop up will not appear and VXL will use the current LSW layer
    to create the shape.

    envSetVal("layoutXL" "shapeSwitchLayer" 'boolean nil)


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 9, 2006
  3. TimRoy1

    TimRoy1 Guest

    Thanks again Andrew,

    TimRoy1, Feb 9, 2006
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