VRML File not readable? HELL-P

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Mar 4, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    I have a file from a client that reads just fine with SolidView (lite
    version is free see: http://www.solidview.com/)

    The file will not open in SolidWorks 2006 sp3.3. The file is a valid
    version 2 VRML (.wrl) file. Again this file open fine with the freeware
    version of SoilidView.

    I need to read this file and recreate it with features, I have done this
    with iges or step files, by just creating the "new" features over the "dumb"
    solid. Then get rid of the "dumb" solid, and presto a SolidWorks file like
    the original "dumb" file.

    Can anyone try to convert this VRML (.wrl) file to a step or iges file

    Anyone had any problems or solutions for .wrl (VRML) files?

    Thanks for any help,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Mar 4, 2006
  2. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    neil Guest

    I think you find it just is taking a very long time to process?
    Unfortunately I don't have SW on pc yet cos I have just done a XP reinstall
    after 3 yrs of crud accumulation...but I think there is an option to import
    without healing which in my experience is significantly faster. BTW if there
    are many triangles your video card will bog down badly on rotate too.HTH
    neil, Mar 5, 2006
  3. Hi,

    Here is what SW says exactly (and in poor English I might add):

    "Parsing File"

    SolidWorks Box with Exclamation Point Yellow Triangle, an OK Button, and
    the text:
    Fail to open file.

    (Note that these first two things happen instantly when I click open)

    I then click OK

    SolidWorks Box with Exclamation Point Yellow Triangle, an OK Button, and the
    Failed to process file, may be empty file or contain unsupported geometry
    types, etc.

    I then click OK

    Then it asks me if I want to do import diagnostics...

    In spite of the fact that I have unchecked the box in options while opening
    the file originally.

    This file (as well as every other VRML i.e. *.wrl file) reads fine in
    SolidView Lite, so at least I can view it.

    I wish to use it for getting the proportions correct, not getting exact
    dimensions, so extreme accuracy is not needed.

    And as far as my system stats: 3GHz, P4, 2G RAM, NVIDIA FX1100, SW 2006,
    SP3.1 <-- I thought I had done the latest SP update but I was in error,
    sorry. All in all a "spry" system for what I do with it.

    Thanks, the saga continues...

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Mar 6, 2006
  4. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    neil Guest

    hmmm not sure what's wrong. Either SW06 has problems or it doesn't like
    something about the file.If you have access to original file can you save as
    STL or VRML 1 and try those instead. I have tried to import some legitimate
    VRML from other programs before and had problems too. SW seems quite fussy -
    maybe it is only partially compliant or overly compliant with stds?...
    I don't know Solidview Lite - does it have any measure capability? maybe you
    can view your model and make a SW file without importing it....or maybe you
    make top,side ,front images and use those in SW for reference pics?
    neil, Mar 7, 2006
  5. Hi,

    Do not have access to anything but the file I have :-(

    But, SolidView does have the ability to measure in the 15 day trial mode, so
    I best get going :)

    I also like your suggestion about making top, side, front. etc. images for
    reference... sounds like a winner!

    I will see whatever else I can try, via any more freeware converters for
    vrml to anything else that SW can read.

    Thanks for your help and great suggestions,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Mar 7, 2006
  6. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Cliff Guest

    Where's jb with his XML kernel?
    Cliff, Mar 7, 2006
  7. ..
    He's gotten you worried (yet again), I should then assume ???

    PrecisionMechanical, Mar 7, 2006
  8. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    neil Guest

    BTW I think I have also had a problem like this if the import units are too
    big and then SW refuses it - might want to check that out too...and SW does
    not support VRML2 textures either.
    best of luck with your mission :eek:)
    neil, Mar 7, 2006
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