Volume of a transition - Sq to Rnd

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Flash Gordon, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Guest

    Does anyone know how to calculate the volume of a Square to Round transition
    on a commom central axis?

    Square base = 1800mm x 1800mm

    Round Top = 2900mm

    Vetical Height = 1950mm

    Any help on acheiving this would be appreciated


    Flash Gordon, Sep 4, 2007
  2. Flash Gordon

    Bill Gilliss Guest

    Flash -

    My calculus is too rusty to do this with math, so here is the easy way:

    With AutoCAD 2007 or later, draw the rectangle and the circle in plan,
    move the circle up the Z-axis the required distance, and then use LOFT
    with the "Cross sections only" option to create the solid. From there,
    use MASSPROP to determine its volume.

    Assuming you meant the 2900 to be the diameter of the round top, I got a
    volume of 9454151296.13419.

    Note: this is NOT equal to the 9599068590 you get by averaging the areas
    of the two shapes and multiplying by the height. It's only about 1% off,
    though, if that is close enough for your needs or if your version of
    AutoCAD does not have LOFT.


    Bill Gilliss, Sep 7, 2007
  3. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Guest

    Hey....many thanks for that.....

    yep within 2% would be adequate...

    Just wish it could also be proved by math/calculations.


    Flash Gordon, Sep 16, 2007
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