VLX with Text Files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by LCancilla, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. LCancilla

    LCancilla Guest

    I would like to package some ".txt" files inside my compiled VLX. I did that and now I can't figure how to access the information within the VLX. Maybe I need to change the format of the data for loading. Can anyone help? Thanks......
    LCancilla, Jan 14, 2004
  2. are you using: vl-get-resource

    that and now I can't figure how to access the information within the VLX.
    Maybe I need to change the format of the data for loading. Can anyone help?
    Luis Esquivel, Jan 14, 2004
  3. Function vla-get-resource will return all contents of a txt-file. Lines of a file are divided by pair symbols "\n\r" and you should process them in the you program.
    Igor Kostiukovitch
    Igor Kostiukovitch, Jan 16, 2004
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