VLisp Bible for download !!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Vxc, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. Vxc

    Vxc Guest

    Hy everybody, hope this is not some repost.
    I've discoverd a site from a guy that ofers a PDF file called "Vlisp
    Bible" (more ou less).It's "free" and it seems very complete.
    It's here the URL's for all


    Vasco Tavares
    Vxc, Jul 19, 2004
  2. Nice!
    Thanks, Vasco.
    John Georgiev, Jul 19, 2004
  3. Vxc

    John Uhden Guest

    Bear in mind that David Stein has proliferated a lot of code that was originated
    by Tony Tanzillo, and without proper acknowledgement or permission. That is not
    to diminish David Stein's efforts to contribute his derivative work but to
    recognize and supplant the value of what Tony has freely provided over so many
    John Uhden, Jul 21, 2004
  4. Vxc

    dstein Guest

    Just a note that the web site dsxcad.com will go bye-bye very soon. I bailed on it due to lack of interest (and time to maintain it) last year. The domain name registration will expire in August so if you need to contact me you can reach me at
    dstein, Jul 25, 2004
  5. Vxc

    Doug Broad Guest

    Thank you so much for making that information available.
    Sorry about the lack of interest problem.

    Would you have any objection to my downloading your
    book to post on my web intranet at Nash Community
    College for student use?

    Best wishes,

    it) last year. The domain name registration will expire in August so if you need to contact me you can reach me at
    Doug Broad, Jul 25, 2004
  6. Vxc

    andywatson Guest

    Nice collection of information.
    What is it about programming for AutoCAD that makes us want to share the knowledge? I was thinking of doing something similar to your site...but wow, a book? Wish I would have known about your site back-in-the-day. It looks like you cover topics I still need to learn about.
    andywatson, Jul 26, 2004
  7. Vxc

    Rob Davis Guest

    Thanks David, I remember your early days with the code mine, etc. Hate
    to see you go on to other things. I hope all your endevours are good
    ones and that all goes well for you. Have a good one!

    R. Davis
    Rob Davis, Jul 27, 2004
  8. Vxc

    Fatty Guest

    I solve this problem:
    version of AdobeAcrobat -->5.0 !!!!!
    Fatty, Aug 2, 2004
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