VLE:SKILL absIsPointInsideFig

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by svilen, May 7, 2006.

  1. svilen

    svilen Guest

    I want to check if a point is inside of a selected poligon. I try to
    use absIsPointInsideFig() but it requires as first argument database
    object type "dl" and i do not know how to get this, and also what type
    it returns. If someone can help will be great.

    svilen, May 7, 2006
  2. Hi,

    I think the documentation is wrong here
    It says:
    absIsPointInsideFig( l_list )
    One input argument!

    Where list should be a list containing this three
    elements d_dbFigID, x_xcoord and x_ycoord.

    But the reality expect 2 input arguments
    absIsPointInsideFig( d_dbFigID l_list )

    Where list is here, a list containing the two
    coordinates x_xcoord and x_ycoord as elements.

    absIsPointInsideFig( car( geGetSelSet( ) ) 14.0:2.0 )

    Be aware this is a Preview SKILL function, I'm not sure
    if you can use it out of Preview as regular SKILL?!

    Bernd Fischer, May 8, 2006
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