vlax problem ??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matthew, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Matthew

    Matthew Guest

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Function anchget()
    Dim obj As VLAX
    Set obj = New VLAX
    tst = obj.GetLispSymbol("anch")
    End Function

    GetLispSymbol = VLF.item("eval").funcall(sym)
    on this line I get the error message

    Run-time error '438'
    "Object dosen't support this property or method"

    I have set the value of the lisp symbol anch
    Command: !anch
    #<VLA-OBJECT IAecAnchorWinAssemblyToWall 0310c7d0>
    I have double checked that I have run the (vl-load-com) function.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Matthew, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Matthew

    Matthew Guest

    I have a lisp function that is not able to set the positionto or
    positionfrom of an anchor. So, I am trying to do this in VBA.

    I need to get the last entity in the database, a window assembly, and then
    modify the anchor based on the wallstyle name.

    I found a function in this news group to get the last entity. I am un sure
    how it works, when I have to pass it a point. ?? A little more explaination
    of that function would help also.

    Matthew, Jul 22, 2003
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