vlax-add-cmd ... return point as transparent cmd?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Allen, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. James Allen

    James Allen Guest

    Is it possible to define a lisp routine that can be used transparently in
    response to any getpoint request, whether from a built-in command or lisp
    routine? For example the following works just fine transparently for
    built-in commands, but I can't use it to respond to my lisp routines.

    (defun c:Between (/ reset pt)
    (setq reset (boole 2 (getvar "autosnap") 24)
    reset (cons '("orthomode" "autosnap") (list 0 reset))
    reset (list (car reset) (mapcar 'getvar (car reset)) (cdr reset))
    pt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2))
    (getpoint "\nPick first point for \"Between\"... ")
    (getpoint "\nPick last point for \"Between\"... ")
    (mapcar 'setvar (car reset) (caddr reset))
    (command pt)
    (mapcar 'setvar (car reset) (cadr reset))

    And if I follow the suggestion to strip the c: and use vlax-add-cmd on it,
    it doesn't return a point at all.
    (vlax-add-cmd "Between" 'Between nil 5)

    Besides, I noticed the following line in the help for vlax-add-cmd.
    Warning! You cannot use the command function call in a transparently-defined
    vlax-add-cmd function. Doing so can cause AutoCAD to close unexpectedly.

    I've seen many similar threads and thought I had seen that this was
    possible, but I sure can't seem to find it or figure it out.
    James Allen, Oct 23, 2004
  2. If the command is transparent, you can't call (command).

    The only possible way to do it would be with vla-SendCommand.
    Tony Tanzillo, Oct 23, 2004
  3. James Allen

    Joe Burke Guest

    Hi James,

    Here's something I saved from the NG a couple years ago. Might help.

    It's not mine and I've lost track of who wrote it.

    Joe Burke

    (defun emidp ()
    (setq activedoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (setq os (getvar "osmode"))
    (setvar "osmode" 0)
    (setq a (getpoint "\nSelect First Point: "))
    (setq b (getpoint a "\nSelect Second Point: "))
    (setq c (list (/ (+ (car a) (car b)) 2.0) (/ (+ (cadr a) (cadr b)) 2.0)))
    (setvar "osmode" os)
    (setq cstring (strcat (rtos (car c) 2 8) "," (rtos (cadr c) 2 8) "\n"))
    (vla-SendCommand activedoc cstring)
    (vlax-remove-cmd "emidpx")
    (vlax-add-cmd "emidpX" 'emidp "emidpX" ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT)
    ;Notice the vlax-remove-cmd. This removes the command emidpx if it exists
    ;(returns 1) and returns 0 if it doesn't.
    ;I am running Acad2002 in an SDI enviornment with a reload of acad.lsp with
    ;every new drawing. When I would open a new draiwng from the Acad interface
    ;the duplicate definition of midpx "breaks" the midpx command - hence the
    ;remove and then add.
    ;in other words most folks wouldn't need those two lines
    Joe Burke, Oct 23, 2004
  4. James Allen

    James Allen Guest

    Huh! Well that was easy. Now I wonder why send-command would be okay but
    not command or vl-cmdf? I figured these were all accessing the same stuff
    'under the hood'. Maybe not. Being a perfectionist I also wonder about
    loss of precision by processing the point as a string, but 8 digits will
    probably do. Anyway, here's what I am going to try.

    (defun Between (/ doc reset pt)
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
    reset (boole 2 (getvar "autosnap") 24)
    reset (cons '("orthomode" "autosnap") (list 0 reset))
    reset (list (car reset) (mapcar 'getvar (car reset)) (cdr reset))
    pt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2))
    (getpoint "\nPick first point for \"Between\"... ")
    (getpoint "\nPick last point for \"Between\"... ")
    pt (mapcar '(lambda (a) (strcat "," (rtos a 2 8))) pt)
    pt (substr (apply 'strcat pt) 2)
    (mapcar 'setvar (car reset) (caddr reset))
    (vla-SendCommand doc (strcat pt "\n"))
    (mapcar 'setvar (car reset) (cadr reset))

    (vlax-add-cmd "Between" 'Between nil 1)

    Thank you Joe.

    James Allen, Oct 23, 2004
  5. To avoid loss of precision, assign the value to a symbol:

    (setq MyPoint '(2.0 4.0 0.0))

    Then, use vla-sendcommand to pass the symbol
    prefixed with ! :

    (vla-SendCommand <Document> "!MyPoint")
    Tony Tanzillo, Oct 23, 2004
  6. Tony you are the best !
    Domenico Maria Pisano, Oct 23, 2004
  7. James Allen

    Joe Burke Guest


    My pleasure. I was lucky to find it.

    And thanks to Tony for his insights.

    Joe Burke, Oct 23, 2004
  8. James Allen

    James Allen Guest


    Thank you, Tony.

    James Allen, Oct 24, 2004
  9. James Allen

    James Allen Guest

    Actually, on further evaluation, that put me back at square one. It works
    fine for a built-in command, but throws the "Can't re-enter lisp" error for
    a getpoint request from lisp. Guess I'll go back to the string method...

    Tony, is the fact that SendCommand requires all of the prompts to be wrapped
    up in a single string a clue to the difference between it and
    command/vl-cmdf? I seem to remember someone suggesting that SendCommand is
    okay in a reactor though command is not. The help files plainly contradict
    that idea, but the vlax-add-cmd help doesn't directly address vl-cmdf or
    SendCommand. Not knowing the inner workings as well, I still wonder if that
    help warning applies to SendCommand as well.

    James Allen, Oct 24, 2004
  10. Is it possible to define a lisp routine that can be used transparently in

    Da:Marc'Antonio Alessi
    Soggetto:R: Transparent Lisp Command (OSNAP)
    Data:2001-09-03 14:40:11 PST

    I wrote this many years ago, when initget bit 128 was introduced.
    You can nest more than one function using upoint rather than getpoint.
    The transparent functions can be nested in a command or upoint response
    in any sequence and number.
    I do not remember why I used (ALONG """""""ACTIVE""""""") with many "
    but I still use these functions in all my routines, maybe now if I have
    time I want to revise something.

    ; from Inside Autolisp - New Riders Publishing (modified)

    ;* BIT (1 no null, 0 no one) e KWD key word ("" no one) see INITGET
    ;* MSG prompt string with default <DEF> added (nil no one),
    ;* ":" will be added
    ;* BPT base point (nil per nessuno)
    (defun upoint (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp pts ptZ)
    (if def
    ptZ (caddr def)
    pts (strcat
    (rtos (car def)) "," (rtos (cadr def))
    "," (if ptZ (rtos ptZ) "0")
    msg (strcat "\n" msg " <" pts ">: ")
    bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": "))
    (setq inp "NOTVALIDSTRING" bit (+ bit 128))
    (= 'LIST (type inp))
    (null inp)
    (if (= 'STR (type inp))
    (= 'LIST (type (read inp)))
    (wcmatch kwd (strcat "*" inp "*"))
    ) )
    (initget bit kwd)
    (setq inp (if bpt (getpoint msg bpt) (getpoint msg)))
    (if inp
    (if (or (/= 'STR (type inp)) (atom (read inp)))
    (if (= "ACTIVE" (cadr (read inp)))
    (subst nil "ACTIVE" (read inp))
    (read inp)
    (defun MEDIO (cmdact / pts pt2 cblip corto)
    (setq cblip (getvar "BLIPMODE") corto (getvar "ORTHOMODE"))
    (setvar "BLIPMODE" 1) (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0)
    pts (upoint
    40 "" ">>First point <Lastpoint>"
    (getvar "LASTPOINT") (getvar "LASTPOINT")
    pt2 (upoint 41 "" ">>Second point" nil pts)
    (setq pts (polar pts (angle pts pt2) (/ (distance pts pt2) 2.0)))
    (setvar "BLIPMODE" cblip) (setvar "ORTHOMODE" corto)
    ( (and pts cmdact) (command "_NONE" pts) )
    ( pts )
    ( T (ai_alert "Mid point not found.") (princ) )
    (defun ALONG (cmdact / pts e1 ende1 corto cosnp)
    (setq corto (getvar "ORTHOMODE") cosnp (getvar "OSMODE"))
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0) (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
    (while (not e1)
    (setq e1 (entsel "\n>>Pick near an endpoint: "))
    (if e1
    (if (setq ende1 (osnap (cadr e1) "_END"))
    (ai_alert "Entity not valid for the function.")
    (setq e1 nil)
    ) ) )
    #mdist (udist 46 "" ">>Distance from endpoint" #mdist ende1)
    pts (polar ende1 (angle ende1 (osnap (cadr e1) "_MID")) #mdist)
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" corto) (setvar "OSMODE" cosnp)
    ( (and pts cmdact) (command "_NONE" pts) (princ) )
    ( pts )
    ( T (ai_alert "Point not found.") (princ) )
    (defun BISETTR (cmdact / pts corm)
    (setq corm (getvar "ORTHOMODE")) (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0)
    pts (upoint
    40 "" ">>Angle vertex <Lastpoint>"
    (getvar "LASTPOINT") (getvar "LASTPOINT")
    #rel1 (udist 46 "" ">>Distance from vertex" #rel1 pts)
    #ang1 (uangle 40 "" ">>First reference angle" #ang1 pts)
    #ang2 (uangle 40 "" ">>Second reference angle" #ang2 pts)
    (if (< #ang1 #ang2)
    pts (polar pts (+ #ang1 (/ (- #ang2 #ang1) 2.00)) #rel1) -1 1
    (setq pts (polar pts (+ #ang1 (/ (- #ang2 #ang1) 2.00)) #rel1))
    pts (+ #ang1 (gar 180.0)(/ (- #ang2 #ang1) 2.00)) #rel1
    -1 1
    (setq pts (polar
    pts (+ #ang1 (gar 180.0)(/ (- #ang2 #ang1) 2.00)) #rel1
    ) )
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" corm)
    ( (and pts cmdact) (command "_NONE" pts) (princ) )
    ( pts )
    ( T (ai_alert "Point not found.") (princ) )
    (defun DISTPR (cmdact / pts pt2 inc corto cblip)
    (setq corto (getvar "ORTHOMODE") cblip (getvar "BLIPMODE" ))
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 1) (setvar "BLIPMODE" 1)
    inc 0
    pts (upoint
    -88 "" ">>Reference point <Lastpoint>"
    (getvar "LASTPOINT") nil
    (setq pt2 (upoint -88 "" ">><Next point>/Return to stop" nil pts))
    (setq inc (+ inc (distance pts pt2)))
    "\n>>Distance: " (rtos (distance pts pt2)) " Angle: "
    (angtos (angle pts pt2))
    " Total distance: " (rtos inc) "\n "
    (grdraw pts pt2 -1 1) (setq pts pt2)
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" corto) (setvar "BLIPMODE" cblip)
    ( (and pts cmdact) (command "_NONE" pts) (princ) )
    ( pts )
    ( T (ai_alert "Point not found.") (princ) )

    this is the macro for menu:

    ^P$M=$(if,$(getvar,cmdactive),(ALONG """""""ACTIVE"""""""),(ALONG nil));
    ^P$M=$(if,$(getvar,cmdactive),(MEDIO """""""ACTIVE"""""""),(MEDIO nil));
    ^P$M=$(if,$(getvar,cmdactive),(BISETTR """""""ACTIVE"""""""),(BISETTR nil));
    ^P$M=$(if,$(getvar,cmdactive),(DISTPR """""""ACTIVE"""""""),(DISTPR nil));


    Example of use in C:xxx

    (defun C:ALE_Triang3Side (/ pt1 pt2 lt2 lt3 sper tng)
    pt1 (upoint 40 "" "First point on first side <Lastpoint>"
    (getvar "LASTPOINT") (getvar "LASTPOINT")
    #mdist (udist 46 "" "Length first side" #mdist pt1)
    #ang (uangle 40 "" "Angle first side" #ang pt1)
    pt2 (polar pt1 #ang #mdist)
    (grdraw pt1 pt2 -1 1)
    (setq lt2 (udist 46 "" "Length second side" #mdist pt1))
    (while (not (and (< lt3 (+ #mdist lt2 )) (> lt3 (abs (- #mdist lt2)))))
    (initget (+ 2 8 32))
    (setq lt3 (udist 46 "" "Length third side" lt2 pt2))
    (if (or (> lt3 (+ #mdist lt2 )) (< lt3 (abs (- #mdist lt2))))
    (alert "No triangle exist with this side!")
    sper (/ (+ lt3 #mdist lt2) 2.0)
    tng (sqrt(/ (* (- sper #mdist ) (- sper lt2)) (* sper (- sper lt3))))
    "_.PLINE" "_NONE" pt1 "_NONE" pt2
    "_NONE" (polar pt1 (+ #ang (* 2.0 (atan tng))) lt2) "_C"

    (defun udist (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp)
    (if def
    msg (strcat "\n" msg " <" (ALE_RTOS_DZ8 def) ">: ")
    bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": "))
    (initget bit kwd)
    (setq inp (if bpt (getdist msg bpt) (getdist msg)))
    (if inp inp def)
    );defun UDIST

    (defun uangle (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp)
    (if def
    msg (strcat "\n" msg " <" (angtos def) ">: ")
    bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2)))
    (setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": "))
    (initget bit kwd)
    (setq inp (if bpt (getangle msg bpt) (getangle msg)))
    (if inp inp def)
    );defun UANGLE


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Nov 5, 2004
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