
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BillZ, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. BillZ

    BillZ Guest


    Why do I need to run this line of code more than once to get unused layers and blocks out of a drawng?

    (vla-purgeall (vla-get-activeDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

    The first time I run it, a block is deleted with one layer, then I have to run it again to get another block deleted and the rest of the layers.
    I thought this was supposed to purgeall in one fell swoop.


    BillZ, Jan 31, 2005
  2. BillZ

    BTO Guest


    from Marc'Antonio Alessi
    thread : TextStyle Purge with Lisp
    23 november 2004

    Purge notes

    In >A2k2:

    1. you can purge all nested obects with one pass

    1.1 Purge command dialog

    1.2 (command "_.PURGE" "_ALL" "*" "_N") < "_N"

    2. with:

    (vla-purgeall (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (command "._PURGE" "_All" "*" "_YES") < "_YES"

    you purge only on level a time

    Note: (command "._PURGE" ...) is equivalent to -purge
    command line

    See also: "Purge vs. vla-purgeall" posted in 2001?


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    BTO, Jan 31, 2005
  3. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    BillZ, Jan 31, 2005
  4. BillZ

    BTO Guest

    and as it's written

    (command "_-purge" "_all" "*" "_n")

    is much faster than

    (vla-purgeall (vla-get-activeDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

    tested with Acad MAP 3D 2005 sp2
    BTO, Jan 31, 2005
  5. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    and as it's written
    (command "_-purge" "_all" "*" "_n")
    is much faster than
    (vla-purgeall (vla-get-activeDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))<<<

    I'm sure it's faster when not used inside a reactor. :)

    BillZ, Jan 31, 2005
  6. BillZ

    BTO Guest

    Are there in MAP... commands to divide polygonals/lot boundaries into
    Sorry Luis,
    i know nothing about MAP, I only use MAPCLEAN and MAPIMPORT, I have MAP
    because I got it at same price than AutoCAD, and these 2 functions are
    interesting :)

    Bruno Toniutti
    BTO, Feb 1, 2005
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