VL-VBARUN problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gilles Plante, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Hi All,

    I try to autoload a VBA project from a menu. I say try, because it does not
    work. Here is the code:

    ID_Iges [&Convertir en DXF]^C^C(vl-vbarun

    Ok, I know I have not included the full path of the DVB file, the DVB file
    is in one of Support directories. What bugs me, is that it works for other
    DVB files, but not for this particular one. I get "Macro not found", the DVB
    is not loaded. acadvba.arx is loaded form acad.rx. I am using AutoCAD 2000i.

    Any clue ?


    Gilles Plante, Jun 2, 2004
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