VL* function index listing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wyatt Earp 2005, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    I've been a AutoCAD for nearly 10 years now and I'm looking for some assistance on finding a complete listing of the VL* functions in some kind of hard copy form or electronic that i can print that will list ALL the VL-, VLR-, VLX- and VLAX- functions that are out there.

    I don't believe the help file with R2004 VLIDE to be complete but I am unsure.

    Wyatt Earp 2005, Sep 27, 2004
  2. Wyatt Earp 2005

    Paul Turvill Guest

    If you did a complete install of AutoCAD, search for ALispRef.pdf and
    VLispDev.pdf right there on your system. Maybe not *all* but certainly
    *most* of the functions are listed there.

    assistance on finding a complete listing of the VL* functions in some kind
    of hard copy form or electronic that i can print that will list ALL the VL-,
    VLR-, VLX- and VLAX- functions that are out there.
    Paul Turvill, Sep 27, 2004
  3. Wyatt Earp 2005

    Jim Claypool Guest

    I did a complete install of AutoCAD 2000, 2004, and 2005 but I don't have
    either one of those files.
    Can you post them in customer-files?
    Jim Claypool, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Paul,

    I did a complete install as well and don't have that file.

    could you please send it or post it?

    Wyatt Earp 2005, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Wyatt Earp 2005

    BTO Guest


    header :
    // Visual LISP R2000+ highlighter
    // Revised by Phil Kenewell -

    // language name

    Language: Visual LISP 2004


    Brun Toniutti.
    BTO, Oct 15, 2004
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