Visual lisp to mvba

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Bart, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. Bart

    Bart Guest


    Does anyone know a tool or a program to convert a acad lisp progam to
    Microstation VBA?
    Bart, Aug 21, 2003
  2. Bart

    Office2CAD Guest

    You have to convert it manually.

    I have played AutoLisp for over 10 years and VBA for 5 years.
    All the functions are different. There is no simple one to one
    mapping for auto conversion.

    Don Wu
    Office2CAD, Aug 22, 2003
  3. Bart

    Dave Preston Guest

    I agree with Don. I started my programming with AutoLisp, but rarely use it
    now. It is so different to lisp that it would be a mammoth task to write a
    converter and as it's CAD based programming, too limited a market. If anyone
    did it, it would be Autodesk, if they decide to phase AutoLisp out in favour
    of VBA.

    If you haven't used VBA you will be pleased with the UI and functionality.
    That said, AutoLisp provides good functionality for working with entities.


    Dave Preston
    Dave Preston, Aug 22, 2003
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