Visual Lisp & Excel

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ChrisW, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. ChrisW

    ChrisW Guest

    How do i connect to Excel using Visual Lisp? Does any one know of a
    tutorial shown this? Thanks
    ChrisW, Apr 8, 2004
  2. I just recently spent 6 hours searching this NG and the internet for
    I used a couple of "not too easy to follow" examples, and just ended up
    trying many options.
    This program was written to put a text value in the currently active cell in
    a Excel spreadsheet
    Remember to release each object!
    Good luck....

    (defun ACAD2XL (XLTEXT /)
    (vl-load-com) ;load extended AutoLISP functions (must be run prior to VL
    ;get excel application
    (setq XLapp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application")
    XLrun (vlax-get-property XLapp 'Visible)
    ;check if excel running
    (if (= XLrun :vlax-false)
    ;excel is not running
    (vlax-release-object XLapp)
    (setq XLapp nil XLrun nil)
    (alert "\nERROR - Please Start Excel and select Cell (to place data)
    prior to running this command.")
    ;excel is running
    (setq XLwbk (vlax-get-property XLapp 'WorkBooks)
    XLash (vlax-get-property XLapp 'ActiveSheet)
    XLcel (vlax-get-property XLapp 'ActiveCell)
    ;check if workbook is active
    (if (and XLash XLcel)
    ;excel workbook is active
    (setq XLcol (vlax-get-property XLcel 'Column)
    XLrow (vlax-get-property XLcel 'Row)
    XLcva (vlax-get-property XLcel 'Text)
    XLtxt (vlax-variant-value XLcva)
    ;convert column and row number into Cell text (Example - Column 1,
    Row 1 = A1
    (if (= (/ XLcol 26) 0)
    (setq TC (strcat (chr (+ (rem XLcol 26) 64)) (itoa XLrow)))
    (setq TC (strcat (chr (+ (/ XLcol 26) 64)) (chr (+ (rem XLcol
    26) 64)) (itoa XLrow)))
    (setq CELL (strcat TC ":" TC))
    ;check if cell all ready has data
    (if (= XLtxt "")
    (setq YN "Y")
    (setq YN (strcase (getstring (strcat "\nNOTICE - Excel Cell
    contains [" XLtxt "] - Change [n]=No or [Y]=Yes ? "))))
    (if (member YN (list "" "Y"))
    (setq Cells (vlax-get-property XLash 'Range CELL))
    (setq VTXT (vlax-make-variant XLTEXT vlax-vbString))
    (vlax-put-property Cells 'Value2 VTXT)
    ;release objects
    (vlax-release-object Cells)
    (vlax-release-object XLcel)
    (vlax-release-object XLash)
    (vlax-release-object XLwbk)
    (vlax-release-object XLapp)
    (setq XLapp nil XLrun nil XLwbk nil XLash nil XLcel nil Cells nil)
    ;excel is running, but no active workbooks
    (alert "\nERROR - Excel is running, but there are NO workbooks
    (vlax-release-object XLwbk)
    (vlax-release-object XLapp)
    (setq XLapp nil XLrun nil XLwbk nil)
    Alan Henderson, Apr 8, 2004
  3. ChrisW

    ChrisW Guest

    Thank you for the example
    ChrisW, Apr 8, 2004
  4. ChrisW

    liftedaxis Guest

    we have a tool that connects to Excel 3.0 worksheets. if you're interested, i could tweak it to your needs.

    liftedaxis, Apr 9, 2004
  5. ChrisW

    Joe Burke Guest


    Thanks. By chance that came in handy today.

    One question: in Excel there's a setting under Tools > Options > Edit tab > Move
    selection after Enter. Direction can be Right, Down, etc. Could your function be
    modified to take advantage of that? IOW, behave like Enter was pressed after passing
    the value. My application of your function is passing numbers from another function
    which does area calculations. I wouldn't have to switch to Excel to set the active
    cell each time if this can be done.

    Or maybe I'm missing something obvious. Or maybe the calling function should be
    altered in some way.

    Thanks again,
    Joe Burke

    Joe Burke, Apr 9, 2004
  6. This program was written to allow data from AutoCAD to be put into different
    areas of a spreadsheet.It is used to prevent user input errors in Excel from
    data calculated in AutoCAD. The program stores the Current Cell - Row
    (XLrow) and Column (XLcol). You don't have to set the current cell in Excel
    after you run this program. Once you have these values, you can keep track
    of them yourself and change them as you need.
    Alan Henderson, Apr 9, 2004
  7. ChrisW

    Joe Burke Guest


    I understand now.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 10, 2004
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