Visual IP Designer interresting new EDA tool/Automatic VHDL Generation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vdauthor, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. vdauthor

    vdauthor Guest

    You kindly invited to visit Home of Visual IP

    You can see flash demo showing the tool in action.
    You may also be interrested on getting your free evaluation copy.

    Visual IP Designer is an EDA tool for design entry and integration
    which enable designers to intuitively build, maintain and reuse their
    designs using a full graphical approach. Visual IP Designer provides an
    advanced and fast methodology to develop HDL-based designs targeting
    ASIC and FPGA. The Visual IP format is able to describe designs at RTL
    level in a more flexible and attractive way. The automatic code
    generation feature allows obtaining a high quality VHDL code optimized
    for synthesis with a non scarified readability.
    Because visual representation is closer to human way of thinking,
    Visual IP Designer target is to provide a complete range of graphical
    means of description replacing the classical textual approach. Unlike
    mixed graphical/textual solutions Visual IP Designer allow the
    graphical representation at 100% of all the aspects of RTL design.
    Visual IP Designer! benefits:
    Speed, entring and mainaining a design graphically is faster than usign
    multiple vhdl files
    Communicating and thinking graphically is more effective than using
    Dynamic checking, errors are located early during the design entry
    High quality generated VHDL code, free of compilation/elaboration
    errors, ready for synthesis
    Visual IP format may be used for documentation purpose, no need for
    redundant documentation
    Visual IP allow extended generic capabilities (generic interface,
    generic mapping, etc)
    Packaging, delivering generic Visual IP format is more attractive and
    user freindly than native VHDL files
    Reuse interfaces/sub blocks is simple and fast thanks to import/export
    System integration, assambling Visual IPs is easy, no need for
    additional interfaces/parameters description


    VD author
    vdauthor, Dec 29, 2006
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