Visual Basic .NET Standard 2003

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by shawnco67, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. shawnco67

    shawnco67 Guest

    I found this for less than $100. Will it work for all my Autocad needs or is it a stripped down useless educational version? The next one up is Visual Studio which is close to 10 times the price.

    I want to upgrade from VBA so I can distribute programs in a DLL instead of the DVB.

    Thanks in advance.
    shawnco67, Jul 19, 2004
  2. shawnco67

    Norman Yuan Guest

    If you are serious about programming, you'd better go to at leat
    Professional version, the so-called standard verision, IMO, mainly is for

    Another thing you must realize, if you do not have enough knowledge/skills
    on .NET Framework:

    Acad VBA is COM technology while .NET is entirely a different thing, meaning
    VB5/6 is totally different from VB.NET, although the syntex look similar.
    So, if you have Acad VBA experience not do not know well (or not at all)
    about MS .NET platform, you may want to get VB5/6, instead of VB.NET. .NET
    dll IS NOT COM dll, it cannot be used directly in Acad VBA, unless you know
    how to make .NET dll a COM interface (it is easy if you know .NET, though).
    The point is the way you programming in .NET is quite different from the way
    you do in Acad VBA/VB6.

    is it a stripped down useless educational version? The next one up is
    Visual Studio which is close to 10 times the price.
    Norman Yuan, Jul 19, 2004
  3. shawnco67

    Matthew Guest

    I'm told that you don't need to use the framework of .net when programming
    in VB .net 2003. ?? I don't know how though. I think that if you need VB
    6.0 now though. you will have to buy the new version (2003 .net), then
    purchase a downgrade.

    Matthew, Jul 20, 2004
  4. Bad info. All the .NET languages require the Microsoft .NET Framework.
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 20, 2004
  5. shawnco67

    john m Guest

    Does anyone have an example of a program written in vb.NET 2003 and loaded
    into acad 2005 with the NETLOAD command?
    Even a hello world type deal would help.
    I just want to know which references/includes are essential

    john m, Jul 20, 2004
  6. shawnco67

    Matthew Guest

    Bad info. All the .NET languages require the Microsoft .NET Framework.
    So then Is code I wrote in VB5.0 a .NET language? If I wanted to import
    that code into I could not compile it to be used in AutoCAD? Maybe
    import is not the right word. All I would like to do is simply recompile
    it. Is that possible?

    Thanks for the info
    Matthew, Jul 20, 2004
  7. shawnco67

    Norman Yuan Guest

    No, VB5/6 is not .NET language
    Whether VB5/6 code can be converted to VB.NET with some tool (VB.NET has a
    migration wizard) well depends on what is the code. Most likely, you are
    going to be re-writing, other than converting/importing, because the
    approach used in .NET and pre-.NET is quite different. You solve a problem
    in VB5/6 in a way, while you could do it in .NET rather differently,
    although the final effect may be the same. From my experience, I almost
    always rewrite when I do things in .NET, although I did the same thing
    previously in VB5/6. The point is, VB5/6 -> VB.NET (more accurately, ->.NET
    platform, 'cause which language in .NET is not important), is not natural
    upgrade. You can almost lose your memory on VB5/6, and start learning .NET,
    and you must first learn enough about .NET, then decide which to use (VB5/6
    or .NET) as your Acad programming platform.
    Norman Yuan, Jul 20, 2004
  8. shawnco67

    clintonG Guest

    Hello? Are we awake yet?

    AutoDesk has released 27 versions of its software since the National
    Science Foundation deregulated the Internet for commercial use in
    1991 -- 15 YEARS AGO.

    The big question is when this company is going to release software
    that its customers can use to build and integrate the editing environment,
    drawings, assets, and one another via the Internet and its protocols so
    we as customers can be as successful as our hard work and motivation
    can make possible.

    Using the .NET Framework can make this possible and while the
    drafting features of the software has been improved significantly AutoDesk
    can not deny that have a demonstrable history of compromising the
    customers for the last 15 years and 27 releases of its software when the
    subject is related to the context of extensibility, integration and
    interoperability: the big 3 of genuine productivity.

    The only thing I am expecting from AutoDesk is more of the same as
    they continue to take customer's money to finance their global aspirations
    which include providing software to Communist China and other nations
    that are not America's friends.

    So, in effect, we are financing our own failure not to mention financing
    a company that is assisting others to destroy America.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT
    clintonG, Jul 20, 2004
  9. Would you be willing to pay higher prices to offset revenue lost as the
    result of marketing to a smaller demographic?
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 20, 2004
  10. This sounds vaguely political??? Anyone agree?
    They already have a product to do a lot of what you're seeking here. You
    are welcome to purchase the OEM version of the software and integrate almost
    anything your heart desires. As for the internet protocols, it seems to me
    that over the years Autodesk has been actively working towards this goal.
    Slowly it seems at times but still...

    Even the internet wasn't a flip of a switch to get people on it. Even still
    today there are those who wrestle more and more with security over the
    internet, speeds in different geographic locations, VPN's, and system
    integration between different companies thoughout the world (sorry, I know I
    left a bunch out here).

    As for hard work, most of us try to use the tools we have today and look
    forward to tomorrow being active in the alpha and beta testing so we can
    influence what the next releases will be like.
    They are still in front of the competitors in integrating .NET into their
    products. .NET is a big change, even for those who have been programming
    for a while. Who knows, maybe one day AutoCAD will be all built on C# just
    like the .NET suite is now.
    Most people in the US are patriots. But we can't be self-centered all the
    time. When it comes to business and industry we don't have 100% of the
    resources we used to have (pre-WW's). It only makes sense to reach out to
    other contries and trade but in so doing we cannot cripple ourselves by
    being reliant 100% for our critical needs.

    As for industries using AutoCAD, at least from a business stand point, if
    the market is saturated in the US you look elswhere for the sales. Autodesk
    is a publicly traded company and in such the shareholders ultimately decide
    where the company goes in the future. As for China, it's a big market and
    they aren't the first to try to get in for sales. Remeber, the goal for
    most companies it to make money. It's the responsibility of the management
    to the shareholders.
    There's obviously more to this than meets the eye ;-) but I think I said
    enough already... lol.
    cyberstrategist, Jul 20, 2004
  11. Hi Anne,

    Would it be feasible to remove this non-technical politically inflammatory
    gibberish from the discussion ?


    Laurie Comerford

    Laurie Comerford, Jul 20, 2004
  12. You do realise this is not an American only newsgroup and your last comments are offensive to some people like me.

    Regards - Nathan (Australian)
    Nathan Taylor, Jul 21, 2004
  13. shawnco67

    clintonG Guest

    After 15 years and 27 releases of the software it is *all* about
    AutoDesk corporate policy that does *not* allow customers to
    use the software *technically.*

    That AutoDesk is doing this on a geo-political basis is reality.

    I doubt anything you or Fräulein Brown can do to censor these
    observations can change the growing trend of awareness as they
    are not unique to me or to AutoDesk.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT
    clintonG, Jul 21, 2004
  14. shawnco67

    clintonG Guest

    Roll those eyes all you want but you can't explain one instance where
    an American corporation doing business geo-politically has ever
    lowered its prices can you? When has AutoDesk ever lowered prices?
    Did I miss something?

    Wake up Frank. W'ere already paying higher prices. Who do you
    think financed AutoDesk's entry into the EU whose nations are opposed
    to America and who do you think will finance AutoDesk's entry into
    Communist China? Oops -- that announcement is not official yet
    and there are no plans to release AutoCAD in Mandarin Chinese. Right?

    But that can all be made to sound off-topic unless one can understand
    its relevance to the use of the .NET Framework and how it will or will
    not be allowed to be used or not used by AutoDesk policy.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT
    clintonG, Jul 21, 2004
  15. shawnco67

    clintonG Guest

    What's political about the facts?
    Actively? Slowly? Hardy Har Har.
    That's the point. Do you want to finance AutoDesk's entry into Communist
    China or to continue to assist the EU to undermine America's economies
    while we still can't even use the products to compete globally ourselves?
    That seems to be apparent but which functionality is being provided to
    customers -- how lame will corporate policy impose itself -- and at what
    additional expense to those who have already paid to license using the products?

    No, most people in the US are not patriots. The people of the US have been
    compelled to become paytriots. Do you understand the distinction?
    I really have no problem with globalized competition or entry into new
    markets but how can anybody compete when the competition is
    a fraud?

    How come 'we' can not create new markets of our own?

    Because AutoDesk has corrupt corporate policies that like new
    advances in software languages and related technologies must
    also change.
    clintonG, Jul 21, 2004
  16. Why would they lower prices when the market can bear what they're charging?
    Restrict their sales to North America only and I guarantee those prices will
    go up. It's simple economics.
    Autodesk ships a managed .NET API with the freely downloadable AutoCAD 2005
    ObjectARX API.

    Not only that, Envision is managed code and offers a managed API.

    Your rant sounds far more off-topic now than than before, does it not?
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 21, 2004
  17. Financing my a$$ !!

    AutoCAD is being used in a productive enviroment that is making us money. !!
    We are not financing anybody to destroy anything !!
    We are being successful using this "tool". !!

    Quit smoking that stuff man, it ain't doing you no good !!
    Jorge Jimenez, Jul 21, 2004
  18. shawnco67

    wivory Guest

    What do you think these "enemies of America" are going to do Clinton - *draw* you to death?


    Wayne (also Australian)
    wivory, Jul 21, 2004
  19. shawnco67

    Anne Brown Guest

    It's Mrs. Brown, Clinton, and politics do not have a place on a
    VBA discussion group. Please take those elsewhere on the interet.
    Any future discussion on this topic will be removed.
    Anne Brown, Jul 21, 2004
  20. You don't need to spend anything! While to visual studio tools help, all
    you need to start is to download the .NET Framework and .NET Dev kit both
    FREE from Microsoft. Then download SharpDevelop which is a FREE IDE for
    VB.NET and C#.

    SharpDevelop has a few sharp edges, but its free and will work great to
    develop GUIs. For the source code, you can use something as simple as
    notepad since the vb & c# compilers are free.

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's CAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Jul 22, 2004
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