
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by S. Smith, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. S. Smith

    S. Smith Guest

    A while back there was a thread about whether or not AutoCAD would run on
    Vista. Is there anything new to report? I am running 2004 on a XPS 410
    Dell. I have ordered my Vista and plan on putting it aside till any issues
    with AutoCAD are resolved...that is if there are any.
    S. Smith, Feb 28, 2007
  2. S. Smith

    sakoguy Guest

    Here is a link to the Autodesk web page.

    Your AutoCAD 2004 is not supported. It may install, it may not. If it
    does install some features of the program may not work. The bottom
    line is don't call Autodesk for support if it doesn't work.
    sakoguy, Mar 2, 2007
  3. S. Smith

    S. Smith Guest

    Thanks for the reply. That is a good "heads up". Guess I will just keep
    Vista on the shelf.
    S. Smith, Mar 5, 2007
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