Vista SW 2008 sp1 errors

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Monty, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. Monty

    Monty Guest

    Has anyone seen these errors?

    WHen I start SW or when I open a part,drawing or assembly (and when
    each part of the assy is resolved) I receive the following errors
    "The specified procedure could not be found" I click ok then I
    receive the following:
    Could not load SW DLL: sldapiu.dll

    I guess I am going to uninstall and reinstall.


    Monty, Dec 1, 2007
  2. Monty

    iQ Guest

    i have seen bad installed files before. typically with the
    SLDpatternu.dll. had to get new one from VAR in 2 versions of SWx
    (2006 & 2007). so i would suspect that this might be the issue here.
    if still does not work after reinstall then call VAR. iQ
    iQ, Dec 3, 2007
  3. Monty

    Bo Guest

    In all fairness, from comments I see, I still wonder why anyone would
    want to load Beta CAD software on a Beta OS release, unless you just
    don't have enough work to do.

    Yeah I am being to obstreperous, but there are only so many days in a

    Bo, Dec 3, 2007
  4. Monty

    roby0478 Guest

    Hi Darn,

    Please follow theese steps if you are using SolidWorks 2008 and MS
    1 Install SolidWorks 2008 Service Pack 0.0
    2 Install Service Pack 0.1
    3 Install Service Pack 1.0 From Service Pack 0.1
    This is the only way that you have to install Service Pack 1.0 without

    If you follow theese steps sldapiu.dll works fine

    Best Regards

    roby0478, Dec 7, 2007
  5. Monty

    scoutn Guest

    You're not the only one. I was told that uninstalling SP0 and
    installing using SP1 using the installation manager would correct this
    issue, but that did not work for me. SW just won't load.
    scoutn, Dec 8, 2007
  6. Monty

    Monty Guest

    sp1.1 fixed this for me

    Monty, Dec 12, 2007
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