Vista Pre Release

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Scott-HPT, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Scott-HPT

    Scott-HPT Guest

    Does anyone know if the Vista pre-release supports hardware
    rendering? The Beta was all open GL.
    Scott-HPT, Mar 6, 2007
  2. Scott-HPT

    Brian Guest

    To my knowledge, its not a case of SW supporting open GL or not. Its
    implementation of such by windows and card drivers, which, last I checked,
    did not support it.
    Brian, Mar 6, 2007
  3. Scott-HPT

    jimsym Guest

    nVidia released WHQL-Certified beta drivers with OpenGL 2.0
    acceleration at the end of January. Most QuadroFX cards are
    supported, but the drivers are not yet unified - support for specific
    features may vary from card to card. Updates were posted on Feb 20
    and again March 2. nVidia still states that the accelerated OpenGL
    support is for "compatibility testing" and not yet tuned for
    performance. See

    SolidWorks has not certified these drivers, only software OpenGL is
    *supported* in the pre-release. (There are reports that the drivers
    do work with SolidWorks, but they are not supported.)

    As of today, ATI still does not support the FireGL series with their
    Vista drivers.
    jimsym, Mar 6, 2007
  4. Scott-HPT

    Zander Guest

    Does anyone know if the vista pre-release is for 32bit vista or 64bit
    vista or both? I can't find any mention about this?

    Zander, Mar 6, 2007
  5. Scott-HPT

    matt Guest

    matt, Mar 6, 2007
  6. Scott-HPT

    jimsym Guest

    Actually, just 32-bit for now.

    (Even SolidWorks recommends that customers working with large datasets
    should stick with XP for the time being. There's no firm date for
    Vista 64-bit support. Also, be sure to check support for whatever
    plotter you use. Drivers are very scarce.)
    jimsym, Mar 6, 2007
  7. Scott-HPT

    Zander Guest

    I'm suprised - with virtually all new computers being 64bit and
    vista64 promising to support a broader range of hardware it seems very
    logical to migrate from xp to 64bit vista (if your going to go that
    way). Where did you find out about the 'no firm date' stuff etc.,
    I'm curious!


    Zander, Mar 7, 2007
  8. Scott-HPT

    jimsym Guest

    jimsym, Mar 9, 2007
  9. Scott-HPT

    Zander Guest

    Thanks for the link - pretty depressing little list! I'll promptly
    forget all about vista for .... a year or so by the sounds of it. I'm
    surprised too that graphics drivers arn't available for vista by this
    stage, I thought ms was working on this for multiple years therefore
    vendors should have had a head start?

    Zander, Mar 9, 2007
  10. Scott-HPT

    jimsym Guest

    Vista (aka Longhorn) was a moving target for so long. I don't think
    anyone knew what features would be in the production release until the
    very end. I can't blame nVidia and ATI for holding back driver
    development. Also, SolidWorks is the only major CAD vendor with a
    Vista release at this point. In the greater scheme of things, a small
    minority of SolidWorks customers is a very small segment of the
    jimsym, Mar 9, 2007
  11. Scott-HPT

    mbiasotti Guest

    Zander, it is only intended for 32bit Vista. Our x64 version of Vista
    will not be ready till sometime after our 2008 release.

    Mark Biasotti
    mbiasotti, Mar 10, 2007
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