vis Layer Will Not Plot

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cledwards, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. cledwards

    cledwards Guest

    I have a soldraw “vis†layer that will not plot. I have other “vis†layers within the same drawing that will. I have checked all the layer settings and it should plot as far as I can see. All the layer settings on the “vis†layer that will not plot are the same as the ones that do plot. I have done a drawing audit, but did not find anything there. The only things I can think of are either the drawing is corrupt and is not being detected, or I am missing some setting somewhere else. Any ideas?
    cledwards, Jan 7, 2005
  2. cledwards

    wookie Guest

    To narrow down the issue, does it plot if you......
    -Plot to a different printer?
    -Put the object on a different layer?
    -Copy paste onto the same layer in a different drawing?
    wookie, Jan 12, 2005
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