Virtuoso odd DBUUU scale problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by gennari, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. gennari

    gennari Guest

    I have a GDSII layout of a test mask with 1nm database units and 1.0 DBUUU
    (1nm user units). When streaming into Virtuoso 5.0.33, I get a warning:

    WARNING (164): Bad unit information found in the Stream file. `U-UNIT/DBU':
    `1.000000e+00','METRIC/DBU' : `1.000000e-09'.1. scanning cellview (fang_test

    And a lot of:
    *WARNING* Rectangle being created has no area

    When I try to open the created cell in Virtuoso, it runs the machine out of
    memory (> 1GB), even though the cell is very small, and I have to kill the
    process. What is going on? Is there a way to stream this into Virtuoso and
    display/edit it without problems?


    gennari, Oct 3, 2004
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