Virtuoso -- descend hierarchy prompting

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Puneet, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Puneet

    Puneet Guest


    I m newbee in virtuoso......... I gets frustated in descending down
    and up the hierarchy bcoz every time it PROMPTS me for before ask for view schematic, symbol etc etc

    I have heard that there is some way to disable prompting..... i.e just
    by pressing 'e' i can descend down the hierarchy...........

    I know how to bind key in .cdsinit file for a single command but i
    think here i need to bind key for sequence of commands but i am not
    able to do it........can anybody tell me the skill command for binding
    a key to descend down in the hierarchy???

    Puneet, Sep 8, 2009
  2. Puneet

    S. Badel Guest

    Hi Puneet,

    insert in your .cdsinit the following lines:

    schSetEnv("descendTarget" "use viewNameList")
    schSetEnv("viewNameList" "schematic symbol") ;; list of views to descend into, in order of preference

    but fair warning, if for some reason you want to be able to choose which view you will descend into,
    you'll get frustrated again :)

    This sets Ctrl+Shift+e to ask anyway:

    hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "CtrlShift<Key>e" "let( ((temp schGetEnv(\"descendTarget\")))
    schSetEnv(\"descendTarget\" \"query user\") schHiDescend() schSetEnv(\"descendTarget\" temp) )" )

    S. Badel, Sep 8, 2009
  3. S. Badel wrote, on 09/08/09 16:29:
    It's easy to change your mind though. All you need to do is use the usual
    Descend Edit (with nothing selected, and if you have infix on, make sure you're
    not over any instance) and then hit "F3". You can toggle the "Use ViewNameList"
    on or off. The ViewNameList is on Options->Editor in the schematic window.

    So no real need for a special bindkey...


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 8, 2009
  4. Puneet

    Puneet Guest

    Hi Guys,

    thanxs for the help and solving my problem
    now i wont get frustrated ;) hehehe

    Puneet, Sep 9, 2009
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