Virtuoso Composer - Search & Replace

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Thomas Popp, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Thomas Popp

    Thomas Popp Guest

    Is there any possibility to use a more advanced search-find/replace
    mechanism for composer, i.e. where one can use more than one search

    Tnaks for any hints,
    Thomas Popp, Nov 18, 2004
  2. There's a rather old PCR for this, 166549.

    It's been inactivated for some reason (age, probably), but I'll forward it to
    the composer team as a suggestion. It seems like a good idea to me.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 22, 2004
  3. Thomas Popp

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I have a couple more related PCRs:

    What is the percentage of all PCRs in backlog? I am guessing 90%.
    Erik Wanta, Nov 24, 2004
  4. Erik,

    Those two PCRs are to do with the layout search, and are asking for multiple
    _replace_ fields, not additional _search_ criteria in the schematic search.
    There's also now the Remaster Instances command which might help solve some
    of that problem, I guess.
    Well your guess is way out. It's just over 5%.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 24, 2004
  5. Thomas Popp

    Erik Wanta Guest

    The remaster instances form is only in the layout from what I can
    tell. I think the same can be done from the schematic with the search
    and replace form by putting master as the search and replace field and
    entering lib cell view. It would be nice if we had consistent
    functionality in both schematic and layout.
    Erik Wanta, Nov 24, 2004
  6. There was an effort a few years ago to try to make these kind of forms
    consistent between layout and schematic. The biggest mistake Cadence made
    was to talk to customers about it, and it was clear that nobody could agree
    as to what was wanted. Some wanted them both to stay as they were, some
    wanted the forms like the layout tools, some like the schematic.

    It killed the activity dead.

    I'm being slightly facetious here, but this isn't far from the truth.

    Andrew (speaking for himself rather than representing Cadence).
    Andrew Beckett, Nov 24, 2004
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