Virtuoso AMS Flow

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by NigelD, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. NigelD

    NigelD Guest


    I'm trying to do some Mixed-Signal simulations using Virtuouso AMS.
    Currently, I'm just trying to model a very simple dual-slope ADC
    (integrating opamp, preamp and comparator) - I will add in the digital
    logic that surrounds it later.

    Just as in the documentation and tutorial, I've created a top-level
    config and schematic to connect all 3 blocks with stimuli. The config
    uses the Verilog-AMS views for all blocks. However, when I go to
    simulate, it keeps complaining, "Could not determine discipline for
    this expression." and points to every one of the nets that connects the
    3 blocks and the stimuli to the 3 blocks. How do I fix this?

    Also, is there any good tutorial on how to setup the Connector

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    NigelD, Jul 12, 2006
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