Virtual Photography Solutions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. I received an email from this place and thought there might be some interest
    here. There were also a lot of pictures in the email, but I figured if
    you're interested, go totheir website. We don't do this kind of thing here,
    but I know many of you do.

    By the way, I have no connections whatsoever to this company or product,
    just passing along information.


    Our web site - has many examples of the image quality that
    can be achieved using our technology, together with information about our
    existing customers and the work they have produced.

    You can also find information on one SolidWorks user who has recently moved
    from PhotoWorks to RenderDrive to achieve a higher level of realism in their
    visualization at:
    If you'd like to be emailed the full case study as a PDF document - then
    please contact me.

    Do please get back to me with any further queries or call me to arrange a

    Best Regards,

    Craig Wareham.

    ART VPS Ltd.

    Virtual Photography Solutions.
    Helping design companies to improve
    design communication, reduce costs
    and accelerate time to market.

    T: +44 1223 424 466
    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 26, 2003
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Arthur Guest

    See that aint right. I have known about the render drive for sometime now.
    But I figured that if I didnt think about it or look at it then it wouldnt
    happen. (yeah right, sure) all i have to say is OMG.....PW eat yoru friggin
    heart out. Love PW2, but it is like trying to beat a Porche with a VW Bug
    driving down I-95...Not gonna happen, less you got Nitro in the tank.

    If only we could afford just one of those things
    Arthur, Sep 26, 2003
  3. Gee, I was thinking that the images I saw were pretty mediocre.
    Granted, if I put my grandma in the porsche and Al Unser (fill in whatever
    generation of Unser you are partial to) in the Volkswagon, you have a
    contest that doesn't fully represent the capabilties of the
    machine-behind-the-scenes. So I have no idea of what the engines can really
    do because it totally depends on who's driving.
    But, darn it, if someone is going to put something out as a competitive
    solution, it better be top notch and sell itself. Nothing I saw on that web
    site was even particularly good, and certainly did not look
    'indistinguishable from a photograph'.
    Sure, the renderings told the story about the product, but they were quite
    arrogant to take on PWx-2 on quality with those images- which could easily
    be trumped by PWx-2 in the hands of a cable driver (in my experience). The
    one thing I question is whether the renderer does the depth of field stuff
    on its own, or if it requires a PhotoShop blur, which would be a rpetty
    unique enhancement?

    Please, no flames. The interface for PWx-2 is inexecusable, the stock
    materials are embarassing (polished plastic without a mirror component???)
    and the final release messed up things that were working pretty well in Beta
    (shadows in indirect illumination, for one). But if you are using this sort
    of website as your benchamrk, you will be very suprised that those
    cabilities are already on your desktop.
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 30, 2003
  4. This post bugged me after I pressed 'send'. I was a jerk. Mediocre is a
    very, very harsh word, that does not do justice to the light renderings
    which are, in fact, just fine. It was entierly unfair to make a grandma
    metaphor. The renderings are good, just not jaw-dropping outstanding (and
    very few renderings that I do require that extra 10% investment to be
    outstanding, so the same crtiticsm could apply to my stuff)
    I was just a little peeved because I saw nothing that, in my experience with
    the product, is beyond the capabiltiies of PWx-2 (except for the depth of
    field blur, which I acknowledged).
    On the main web site, however, the airplane interior is quite nice. And I
    have no idea if the set up for the renderings is much quicker than in PWx-2,
    where we have to customize everything in order to meet our quality

    "Edward T Eaton"
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 30, 2003
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    mikemcdermid Guest


    no the mental ray rendernode pricing has not changed its still around
    3k per 4 processor license the good thing is a lot of companies are
    including optimized code for their app ie softimage max6 and maya 5

    from what i can gather lightworks (based just down the road in
    sheffield)jumped ship and ptc licensed it to wildfire and we all know
    what sw and ptc get on like and i believe thats why or part of the
    reason mental ray was picked
    marketing probably had big thing to play i believe catia uses mr as
    its renderer

    on the subject of third party renderers if you check in on the sw
    subscription site and go into forums theres a guy in their working on
    some plug in for renderman or bmrt cant say which buch he says he was
    looking for alpha testers

    on the subject of mr and third party renderers i have had a go with
    final render stage 1 for 3dmax and must say i was quite blown away
    ,theyve moved off the funny apply the lighting to the material quirk
    and it now sits more readily in the render options and traditional
    material application pprocess and it renders real quick even at 1k
    mikemcdermid, Oct 2, 2003
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