Viewport with hide - Lineweight bug

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cadcoke4, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. cadcoke4

    cadcoke4 Guest

    I've continued to research this problem for quite a while since it has become a big issue for us. After more research in this discussion group archive, I realize that this has been a problem for a lot of people. It seems that sometimes they aren't successful in tracking the conditions which allow the problem (i.e. viewport set to hide) and may describe it in different words than I use. Of course, it is quite possible my understanding of the problem is inaccurate or limited.

    At this time I am going to refer to it as a BUG and would love to hear if Autodesk has addressed it in any way, or can fill in the details about possible work arounds or ways to avoid triggering the bug.

    Here is my description of the bug as I currently understand it;

    A paperspace viewport is set to hide. When plotting, the research of objects inside that viewport are printed at a very fine width. Paperspace objects, and objects in non-hidden viewports are plotted correctly.
    The problem is intermittent, so there are probably other triggers. It seems that once the problem starts in a drawing, it will tend to continue, but may spontaneously correct itself.

    Autodesk, I've seen enough people posting about it to warrant some attention from you here or in the knowledge base. I realize that you may already have, but I am not successful in finding it. If so, perhaps you can suggest some key words for me to search for so that I can find it?

    Joe Dunfee
    cadcoke4, Feb 20, 2004
  2. cadcoke4

    Talsky Guest


    What version of AutoCAD are you using?
    What operating system?
    Does it happen on more than one computer?
    Does it happen on more than one printer?
    Do you have the latest printer drivers installed?

    If you are using AutoCAD 2000, have you installed the
    plot update?

    Perhaps if you provide answers to these questions someone here might have a
    good answer, and also, if you post in Autodesk.autocad.customer-files, a
    sample of a drawing file that has this error, perhaps someone can figure out
    the cause, and how to correct it.

    Jack Talsky

    become a big issue for us. After more research in this discussion group
    archive, I realize that this has been a problem for a lot of people. It
    seems that sometimes they aren't successful in tracking the conditions which
    allow the problem (i.e. viewport set to hide) and may describe it in
    different words than I use. Of course, it is quite possible my
    understanding of the problem is inaccurate or limited.
    if Autodesk has addressed it in any way, or can fill in the details about
    possible work arounds or ways to avoid triggering the bug.
    objects inside that viewport are printed at a very fine width. Paperspace
    objects, and objects in non-hidden viewports are plotted correctly.
    seems that once the problem starts in a drawing, it will tend to continue,
    but may spontaneously correct itself.
    attention from you here or in the knowledge base. I realize that you may
    already have, but I am not successful in finding it. If so, perhaps you can
    suggest some key words for me to search for so that I can find it?
    Talsky, Feb 22, 2004
  3. cadcoke4

    cadcoke4 Guest

    Jack, thanks for the reply. Sorry that I didn't give all the details. I had posted about this before, and had hoped that someone from Autodesk was familiar with the bug now, even if they weren't before.

    I am using AutoCAD 2002, ( It is actually from Inventor Series. I have MDT 6 SP 3 installed but use Vanilla AutoCAD)

    Windows 2000 5.00.2195 Service Pack 4

    It happens on more than one computer

    It happens on more than one printer.

    The current printer is brand new, and has current drivers.

    Rebooting the computer may or may not resolve the problem (at least temporarily)

    The problem, once started, seems tied to a particular drawing. In the same AutoCAD session, if I load a different drawing, it will print fine.

    The problem is intermittent. The problem drawing I had was doing this for over a week. I must have printed 20 pages trying to get a good copy. Then, without doing anything that would seem to be related, it suddenly started printing out fine.

    By searching the archives, I see others who apparently have this problem. However, it is hard to search with terms that eliminate the topics about lineweight options. The terms I used to search are; paperspace, hidden, viewport, lineweight.

    Joe Dunfee
    cadcoke4, Feb 23, 2004
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