View Toolbar with Layout tab

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Black Knight, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. Black Knight

    Black Knight Guest

    I'm sure that I've used the View Toolbar in layouts to change the scale of
    the model through the viewport.

    But why can't I now get this to work ?

    The drop down list that displays the scales 1:1, 1:20 etc etc is greyed out.

    The only way I can alter the scale is using the properties dialogue box.

    What am I doing wrong ?

    Thank You
    Black Knight, Mar 1, 2006
  2. Black Knight

    Black Knight Guest

    Doh !!!!!!!!!

    What a doofus I am !!!!!!!!!!

    Of course, if I use the correct toolbar - then all becomes clear !!!!

    The *Viewports* toolbar as opposed to the *View* toolbar.
    Black Knight, Mar 2, 2006
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