view simulation Log files in JobMonitor (Distributed Processing)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Circa Compostella, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I have a problem with using the distributed option in AnalogArtist

    when I am using the JobMonitor to monitor the tasks and I want to use in
    its menu View->Log files

    I get the error :

    No source file exists by name adp_owner_jobname__0_1089298315.stdout

    the reason for this error is that the file
    "adp_owner_jobname__0_1089298315.stdout" is written in the "/tmp/"
    folder of the machine on which the task is performed which is different
    from the "/tmp" folder of the machine on which the JobMonitor runs.

    Now my question (I did not find any hint in the Cadence documentation)

    How can I change the path for the log files to a directory which the
    Jobmonitor can access?

    I hope that anyone knows an answer.

    thanks in advance


    Circa Compostella, Jul 8, 2004
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