view rotation SW2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. I really like the new rotation method in SW2007 - it's SOOOO much better,
    and so long in coming!

    Can someone confirm this: If the whole model is in view then it rotates
    around the centre as before. If you zoom in it rotates around the centre of
    whatever's nearest the mouse cursor.

    Thanks SW, this will save a LOT of mouse-clicking.

    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Oct 13, 2006
  2. Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign

    bob zee Guest

    that is exactly the behaviour that bob z. has noticed as well. it is
    very nice.

    bob z.
    bob zee, Oct 13, 2006
  3. Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign

    efhicks Guest

    Yes, it actually highlights the target object if you look closely. By
    watching this and moving the mouse you can easily see where the center of
    rotate is coming from. This is a huge improvement I agree. It aint perfect
    but it's damn nice to finally have. Because of the way this "auto select"
    looks it makes me think more of a band-aide than a legitimate deep change to
    the GUI but whatever, I'll take it. :)

    - Eddy
    efhicks, Oct 22, 2006
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