View real size

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by teckkno, May 29, 2005.

  1. teckkno

    teckkno Guest

    Would it be posssible to write a macro that automatically resized the
    screen model to display at actual size at the press of a button?

    Obviously, as it would be specific to the monitor the model is being
    viewed on a user adjustable variable must exist such that the display
    can be 'calibrated' to display at more or less actual size. I currently
    view parts full size by zooming while holding a rule to the screen for
    a known component dimension.

    It's just that occasionally it is really useful to see a part at real
    size. Suits my products but admittedly not so much use for someone
    designing ships!

    Thanks in advance.
    teckkno, May 29, 2005
  2. teckkno

    matt Guest

    I have a macro on my website that will do that. You'll have to edit a
    multiplier factor in the macro and take some measurements from your
    screen to make it turn out right, but it works.

    go to the macro library link, it's called Zoom 1:1.

    matt, May 29, 2005
  3. teckkno

    teckkno Guest

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the link to your site - and of course the macro. Actually
    spent about an hour yesterday cruising round your site - very

    Anyway, I've tried inserting your macro but admit to failing. I just
    can't get it working. I've not done this before and the help doesn't
    seem to clarify it enough. I can bring the swp file over and save it
    but even if I go back in under 'edit' I can't see the macro code. I
    hate to say it but I need the 'real idiot guide' to importing your

    Matt, can you, or anybody here help me out?? Oh!, the shame of it!!
    teckkno, May 30, 2005
  4. teckkno

    teckkno Guest

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the link to your site - and of course the macro. Actually
    spent about an hour yesterday cruising round your site - very

    Anyway, I've tried inserting your macro but admit to failing. I just
    can't get it working. I've not done this before and the help doesn't
    seem to clarify it enough. I can bring the swp file over and save it
    but even if I go back in under 'edit' I can't see the macro code. I
    hate to say it but I need the 'real idiot guide' to importing your

    Matt, can you, or anybody here help me out?? Oh!, the shame of it!!
    teckkno, May 30, 2005
  5. teckkno

    teckkno Guest

    Hi Kvick,

    Thanks for your help. I have done what you described and it now works a
    treat. I had been doing what you said but with one difference. My new
    macro directory was in my main data directory and not on the root of C
    directly. Whether that should make a difference of not I'm not sure but
    anyway, it works now. I have created a toolbar button and that works

    Thanks to both of you.
    teckkno, May 30, 2005
  6. teckkno

    matt Guest

    Thanks. I'm glad Kvick got you up and running.
    matt, May 30, 2005
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