"View cannot be unfolder any further" ...what!?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wc, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. wc

    wc Guest

    Trying to create a cropped view of an assembly and I get the message
    "View cannot be unfolder any further" . The same command worked just
    fine 10 minutes earlier in the same drawing. I started a new drawing and
    got the same message... stoopid swx2006sp5

    Any ideas of a workaround?
    wc, Jun 25, 2007
  2. wc

    TOP Guest

    What are you trying to make a cropped view of?

    TOP, Jun 25, 2007
  3. wc

    wc Guest

    An assembly with no sheet metal parts, I've made several more drawings
    with these parts, just trying to make a simple exploded view 'detail'
    wc, Jun 25, 2007
  4. wc

    TOP Guest

    Not quite what I meant by the question.

    Cropped view of a view, section, detail, etc. ?

    TOP, Jun 26, 2007
  5. wc

    Raul Guest

    Try creating the crop view making sure the show in exploded state is
    UNCHECKED, after the crop view is been created then check the setting
    show in exploded state.
    This works using SW2007. I'm not sure if this works on SW2006
    Raul, Jun 26, 2007
  6. wc

    wc Guest

    Ah, sorry... It was a 'view' of an assembly, didn't seem like anything
    fancy, but apparently because it had 'view in exploded state' checked SW
    wouldn't crop it. Raul had the 'workaround' (or maybe it's that way by
    design<?>) uncheck 'view in exploded state', crop the view, then
    re-check 'view in exploded state'...badda-bing it "works".

    wc, Jun 26, 2007
  7. wc

    wc Guest

    Thanks, that was it!

    wc, Jun 26, 2007

  8. I'm pretty sure that it goes back to 2004 and earlier. Good thing you
    remembered it!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 27, 2007
  9. wc

    TOP Guest

    Small detail, it was an exploded view. If you want to drive somebody
    nuts, have them mate an exploded assembly.

    TOP, Jun 27, 2007
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