Video Cards

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Matt, May 16, 2004.

  1. Matt

    Matt Guest


    I am in the process of upgrading my graphics card. Currently I am looking at
    the quadro fx1100 and 3d laps Vp990 pro. The 3d labs is significantly
    cheaper and has alot more video ram, a whopping 512Mb compared to the 128 of
    the nvidia. However when I did a search on the newsgroups in google it
    appeared that people where going away from the 3dlabs VP cards as they were
    haveing alot of problems.

    If anyone has any advice or comments on the peformance and merits of the two
    cards it would be much appreciated.


    Matt, May 16, 2004
  2. Matt,

    I am currently using an NVIDEA FX 5600 running the latest SW approved QUADRO
    drivers ( This saves cash and I believe accomplishes the same
    improvements as the "quadro hack". I have had no problems for 6 months. I
    would like to hear if anyone else has tried this. What have you got to lose?

    Dennis Deacon, May 16, 2004
  3. Matt

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Take a look at the ATI FireGL cards. ATI used to be taboo for SolidWorks,
    but they have really spend some time and energy to get back into the fray.
    They landed their SW certified status, and it is noted on the SW graphics
    card website.

    They also have them priced very competitively it seems. There biggest card
    is the FireGL X2-256t, which has 256mb of RAM, and ought to provide enough
    power for almost anybody. Their lowest priced FireGL card is the T2-128,
    which has 128mb of RAM, and is the one I am currently running. It is plenty
    good enough for my approx. 250 piece assemblies and their related drawings.

    Did I mention that the new ATI FireGL cards are also RealView capable if
    using SW2004 sp3? I did a review of the one I have and it is posted on our
    User Group (OKSWUG) website, which is here:

    For more info on ATI FireGL cards, you can go to their website here...

    I know that Wayne Tiffany (a frequent contributor here) has the X2-256t card
    in his box. Last I knew, he had no real issues, so perhaps he can pop in and
    add to this.

    Hope that opens more doors.

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, May 16, 2004
  4. Matt

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I am still using a Quadro4 750XGL at work (great card) and a GeForce4 Ti4600
    at home (good for games, limitations for SW). As you can see, I am using
    some cards that are a couple years old. The Geforce card has limitations
    opening only so many documents in SW before it craps out. I have been able
    to work around this, since I have never taken a lot work home with me
    (occasionally). I have NOT researched video cards lately, but I foresee a
    lot more going home with me in the future, so I need to update the card.

    I have a couple questions regarding your FX5600.
    1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the FX series the next generation
    GeForce cards?
    2. If so, you say you are simply using the Quadro drivers instead of the FX
    drivers to get the same effect as the Quadro hack. Does this eliminate the
    limitations that the GF4 cards used to have as described above?
    3. I never did the quadro hack to my GF4 Ti4600 cause I was honestly afraid
    to. I was also concerned that it might degrade gaming performance as well
    since I use this box for working and gaming. If you are a gamer as well,
    have you noticed a performance change using your method with the Quadro
    drivers (better/worse).

    Seth Renigar, May 17, 2004
  5. I would agree - worth considering. I haven't had any issues *that I know
    of.* I have had crashes, but no way to pin them on anything specific, and
    it doesn't seem any more frequent than with the older card. The advertised
    price/performance seemed worth giving them a try.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 17, 2004
  6. Matt

    Scott Guest

    I used the 3D labs card for a test drive and I have to say I hated it. I
    spent more time crashing then anything else. They said it I was using the
    wrong Drivers but that's what there Tech support put me on. I got to a point
    to where I couldn't work anymore so I switched back to my Quadra 500 FX card
    and all my problems went away. They wanted to send it to me again for
    revaluation but I spent to much time crashing and it hurt me in my job in
    the fact I was crashing when a customer would call. The new drivers they
    created might fix the issues I was seeing but I'm not going to lose the time
    I lost in that card again. I'll stay with the Quadra cards because IMO they
    are reliable.

    Scott, May 17, 2004
  7. Matt

    Pete Guest

    I have the Vp990 pro running on my system for 4 months now without any
    My system is 3.06 dual Xeon with 2g of on board memory, Serial ATA hard
    wireless mouse, photoshopCS, Solidworks 2003 sp5 & 2004 sp3.0 working.
    This is my home system. Excellent card plenty of memory, using the latest

    Just my 2cents worth.
    Pete, May 17, 2004
  8. Matt

    Jeff Mowry Guest

    I like my FX500. My old system had a 3D Labs Oxygen card, which worked
    fine until the on-board fan stopped working. I called Oxygen to resolve
    the problem, but the final fix was 2.5 months and three graphics cards
    later (one with another bad fan, one used and very dusty one with fan
    noise, one with heat sinks that worked).

    I'm not sure how well they're doing over at 3D Labs if what I
    experienced is any sort of indication. I've had no crashes (NONE) with
    my FX500 and 64-bit AMD chips on two systems. (I love that!)

    Jeff Mowry
    Industrial Designhaus, LLC
    (Remove "GETRIDOFTHIS" from email address)
    Jeff Mowry, May 17, 2004
  9. Seth,

    I will try to answer sequentially:
    1) Yes, I think the FX series is the latest non Quadro series
    2) Yes, using the latest Quadro drivers has eliminated all of the
    limitations working in SW.
    3) I am not a gamer and cannot speak to this issue.

    I hope this helps.


    Dennis Deacon, May 18, 2004
  10. Matt

    Kev Parkin Guest

    I'd be interested to know what sort of performance you are getting out
    of your FX5600 with QUADRO drivers, how does it perform with large
    assys, more than 10 open windows, real view, etc, etc.

    If it's acceptable then for under £60 in the UK this card is a must?

    Also, have you/anyone tried an FX 5700 or an FX5900/5950 under similar
    parameters as the price if these is also starting to tumble in the UK.

    Kev Parkin, May 18, 2004
  11. Kev,

    Works well with large assy's and multiple windows. It works in RealView but
    have not checked all of RV's features yet.

    Since the FX5600 uses the same drivers as higher 5000 series, I would think
    the Quadro drivers should work also. Maybe someone out there could give it a
    shot and let us know.

    Dennis Deacon, May 18, 2004
  12. Matt

    Kev Parkin Guest


    Forgot to check are you using the softquadro hack - rivatuner etc or
    are you just running the quadro driver in place of the geforce FX

    Kev Parkin, May 18, 2004
  13. Matt

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Yeah, please clarify here. Your postings seem conflicting.

    If it is the Quadro drivers, how did you force it to find the correct
    Seth Renigar, May 18, 2004
  14. Matt

    Matt Guest

    I'm currently using a geforce fx5600. Have tried the quadro drivers but for
    me they were no different to the standard geforce driver in terms of

    Last week I installed the soft quadro hack and it made a marked improvement
    in performance but was also alot less stable. I used the 42.51 drivers as
    these are apparently the only ones that can be hacked for the 5600. Realview
    didn't work, but from my understanding the fx5600 doesn't share the same
    chip as the quadro fx's that support realview, it shares the same chip as
    the quadro go700.

    I ended up taking the hack off as i ended up haveing alot more 'freezes' and
    my trackball kept on going psycho. Could have being a coincidence...

    Matt, May 19, 2004
  15. Matt

    Matt Fitz. Guest

    Thanks for the info.

    I read your article and it sounds pretty good. Most assemblies I work on are
    in the 150 to 250 part range so it could be alright.

    In your article you mentioned you liked it over your nvidia, what card was

    I am in New Zealand and over the last few days have being trying to find who
    sells ati Fire GL cards but have drawn a blank. Majority of the cards you
    see advertised here are nvidia quadro fx1000 - 3000 and 3d labs. They are
    however almost twice the price you can get them in the states for.

    Matt Fitz., May 19, 2004
  16. Kev,

    No hack was applied to the card. Installed the Quadro driver only.

    Dennis Deacon, May 19, 2004
  17. Matt

    Mr. Pickles Guest


    I used to have a nVidia Quadro 4 550. Don't know about New Zealand. Perhaps
    you have to get it from Australia?

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, May 20, 2004
  18. Matt

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    I'll shoot an email to my ATI contact and see what they say.....
    Mr. Pickles, May 20, 2004
  19. Matt

    Kev Parkin Guest

    One more thing, I'd just like to bump up Seth's question - how did you
    get it to recognise the card as a quadro?

    Kev Parkin, May 20, 2004
  20. Kev,

    I do not believe it does recognize it as a Quadro.

    Dennis Deacon, May 20, 2004
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