video card suggestion request

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by joe, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. joe

    joe Guest

    I'm looking to replace my firegl2 with a card that meets the fallowing
    criteria: Does not create, on a regular basis, the blue screen of death with
    an error message, "fgl123.dll has been caught in an infinite loop....." (the
    error message has been paraphrased). Can run solidworks 2004 with around 4
    windows open. Assemblies made out of an average 15 to 20 parts. Also, can
    play video games. Some of the games that my kid likes to play won't run on
    the firegl2.
    joe, Aug 3, 2004
  2. joe

    Michael Guest

    By far the most affordable solution would be to purchase a GeForce card, and
    apply the "soft quadro" hack. You should be able to get away for under $75.

    search old postings in this newsgroup for details on the soft quadro hack
    Michael, Aug 3, 2004
  3. joe

    KilrB Guest

    What Operating system are you using? If your using Win2000 or WinXP
    i'd suggest converting your file system to NTFS from FAT32. That
    should get rid of your blue screens of death. You may still get errors
    of course, but NTFS handles these errors and recovers from them much

    What drivers are you using for your card? I have been using the 4.3
    Cats with my 9200, but obviously that is not an actual pro card. For
    yours you might want to use the latest drivers if your not already.

    If you really want to have your system be reliable, i'd recommend not
    letting the kids play on it. That could be the problem now as they
    tend to load all kinds of crap from the internet games and when kids
    install reader rabbit games they always hit yes to install DX 6 and
    other crap you dont want.
    KilrB, Aug 3, 2004
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