Video card and processor recos

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. Ken

    Ken Guest

    My daughter has begun an interior architectural design program and needs
    an upgrade to her computer.

    Without breaking the bank, does someone have recommendations for a video
    card particularly suitable for autocad? Any other component recos?

    Ken K
    Ken, Dec 15, 2006
  2. Ken

    ddpcad Guest

    video cards are relatively cheap these days (under $200?). I'm still
    using an older more expensive card so don't have any specific
    recommendations but I'm sure others will. Here's the minimum system
    requirements for Acad 2006/2007 to help you out

    good luck,
    ddpcad, Dec 15, 2006
  3. Ken

    Ken Guest

    ddpcad said the following on 12/15/2006 3:17 PM:
    Thanks. Someone suggested that I try and it looks like
    the ATI X700 AGP should work for her. She has a p4 2.6mHz chip with 512
    of RAM, so I might bump up the RAM. She is running her video off of the
    chip on her ASUS mb, so the graphics display card should help.

    Thanks again,
    Ken K
    Ken, Dec 16, 2006
  4. Ken

    Ken Guest

    George P said the following on 12/16/2006 8:02 AM:
    Ouch! Wish I had seen this yesterday before I ordered a different card
    (Radeon X700 Pro AGP). I will return it and eat the shipping, then pick
    up a better card.

    Thanks for the list!

    Ken K
    Ken, Dec 16, 2006
  5. Ken

    ddpcad Guest

    yeah, I checked out the list also and noticed that my Nvidia GeForce
    6800 is on the "barely supported" list. I guess it's considered a gaming
    card but it's served me well for over a year now. The great thing was
    that after a little bit more investigation I noticed that it has dual
    DVI output so I ordered another ViewSonic 22" LCD flat screen to go dual
    monitors...thanks George P!
    ddpcad, Dec 16, 2006
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